The cost of medicines
Dr Chris Jackson of the Cancer Society talks about the costs of drugs here and in other countries. Audio
Pharmac not funding melanoma drug
Dr Chris Jackson of the Cancer Society talks about the impact of Pharmac deciding to not fund a new melanoma drug Keytruda. Audio
More new Māori doctors graduating
More Māori doctors are entering the workforce, with the number of graduates from Dunedin alone likely to almost double in a year's time. Audio
Naked Science
Dr Chris Smith with news of some very old Australian rocks. Plus how sound waves can improve a medicine's effectiveness, and are first borns really any brighter than their siblings? Audio
Pharmacy Council moves to change code of ethics over homeopathy
The Pharmacy Council is moving to change its code of ethics to enable pharmacies to continue selling homeopathic products. The Society for Science Based Healthcare formally complained to the council… Audio
Patents, Pills and the Press - Dr Thomas Owen
The role of patents and access to medicine is making headlines, as a TPP deal was reached in Atlanta this morning. One man who has been looking at the global campaign for access to medicines is Dr… Audio
Guayule: new rubber source
Cade Metz of Wired on the rush to develop alternative rubber sources, and the interest in the shrub guayule. Audio
Science: pain relief and invisibility cloaks
Dr Chris Smith of the Naked Scientists on invisibility cloaks, new approaches to pain relief and combatting Alzheimer's disease. Audio
Near-death experiences in New Zealand
Research into near-death experiences raises more questions than it answers. Justin Gregory asks if it is possible that consciousness could survive the death of the body? Audio
Music and healing
How listening to music can relieve pain and help you recover after surgery. Dr Catherine Meads from Brunel University has conducted a meta-analysis of more than 70 studies in The Lancet. Audio
'Incredible potential' for telemedicine project
A company headed by Kaitaia GP Lance O'Sullivan wants to expand its pioneering service beyond Northland - and possibly beyond New Zealand. Audio
Salt, Blood Pressure and the Brain
A new study in rats shows that the link between high salt intake and high blood pressure is caused by changes in the brain Audio
Zopiclone is one of New Zealand's most commonly prescribed drugs. John Ashton of the Otago School of Medical Sciences tells us what it's used for. Audio
The history of mental illness
Tonight, in Hamilton, Professor Catharine Coleborne will give her inaugural professorial lecture at the University of Waikato. It's a chance for her to speak about her career and research. Her topic… Audio
John Ashton of the University of Otago looks at betablockers, a commonly prescribed class of drug used to treat everything from high blood pressure to migraines and glaucoma. Audio
CriticaLink app in Bangladesh
Jennifer Farrell of CriticaLink is trying to improve emergency medical care in Bangladesh using mobile technology, and a location-based system to get trained medics to the scene of crashes quickly. Audio
Drugs from Dirt
Sean Brady of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at The Rockefeller University in New York is trying to find the next generation of anti-cancer drugs and antibiotics by examining soil samples… Audio
How to best prepare for your GP appointment
The Health Quality & Safety Commission has developed a new resource to help patients prepare for doctor appointments and find out more about their medicine at pharmacies. Dr. Chris Walsh is the… Audio
Psychiatrists call for ban on prescription drug advertising
New Zealand does something that very few other countries are allowed to do. It's called Direct to Consumer Advertising of prescription medication. It is a controversial exercise that is banned in all… Audio
Are antibiotics making us fat?
Professor Martin Blaser claims that antibiotic use could be making us fat, and contributing to a rise in autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. He is the author of "Missing Microbes: How Killing… Audio