Online Shopping
Virtual Kaikoura Shopping: Ina Kinski
An entrepreneurial Southlander has come to the aid of Kaikoura retailers. A virtual personal shopper will take people around the town to make their purchases. The brainchild of Ina Kinski is a bid to… Audio
The Importance of Well Made Clothes
Courtney Sanders is a Melbourne-based Kiwi and co-founder of Well Made Clothes. She talks to Sonia Sly about setting up an online ethical clothing business and a movement towards slow fashion. Audio
Online retail sees big slowdown in spending on electronics
The rate of growth in online retail spending stumbled in October, as international purchases slowed substantially, while domestic merchants saw a slight gain in market share. Audio
Govt plans to introduce new GST law
The government plans to introduce a new tax on goods and services bought online.
Online GST
Mark Keating of the University of Auckland joins the Panel to discuss whether putting GST on goods and services sold online can be gathered or is it in the too hard basket? Audio
Online GST by Christmas
New Zealanders can expect to be paying GST on online and overseas purchases, either imported or bought online, by Christmas. Audio
Alibaba's World - inside the e-commerce giant
An insider's glimpse into the online shopping site, which is the world's largest e-commerce company. The Chinese company has built a customer base larger than Amazon. Porter Erisman was… Audio
Government considers broadening GST on online purchases
Government considers broadening GST on online purchases. The cost of buying goods from overseas looks likely to go up as the Government prepares to impose GST on more transactions and retailers say a… Audio
The Warehouse aims to become NZ's number 1 digital retailer
The Warehouse Group is aiming to become the number one multichannel and digital retailer in New Zealand, with a new corporate structure designed to meet the challenges from technological change. Audio
Nelson's shopping heart may be at risk from online competition
A number of high profile businesses have shut up shop in Nelson's cbd. Audio
Tech news
Peter Griffin beams in with the latest tech news. Google and Amazon want to try out delivery robots and drones as they battle to deliver our internet shopping in the future. Also why has Yahoo!Xtra… Audio
Insight for 27 January 2013 - The Future of Shopping
Penny MacKay investigates if the retail High St can survive the pressure of electronic shopping Audio