Govt to press on with Treaty Principles bill despite hīkoi
The government is pressing on with months of submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill despite more than 40,000 people turning up to demand the bill be killed off now. Political reporter Lillian Hanly… Audio
'What's good for Māori is good for everyone' - hīkoi ends with peaceful protest
The capital turned into a sea of black, white and red today, as more than 42,000 people supporting te Hīkoi mō te tiriti overflowed Parliament's grounds and onto the streets.
Daily smoking rates flat-line, youth vaping keeps rising - NZ Health Survey
Daily smoking rates have flat-lined after dramatic falls in previous years, while vaping among younger people continues to rise.
After the Hīkoi: 'I'm really proud of our country'
The protest against the Treaty Principles Bill turned into a party after te Hīkoi mō te Tiriti left Parliament and headed to Waitangi Park for music, kai, and a bit of a rest.
Live music and celebration at Waitangi Park after hīkoi
The protest against the Treaty Principles Bill turned into a party after the hīkoi left Parliament and headed to Waitangi Park for music, kai, and a bit of a rest. Krystal Gibbens was there. Audio
Hīkoi ends at Parliament with more than 40,000 attending
Thousands upon thousands from around the motu arrived in Wellington on Tuesday - the culmination of an historic hikoi. But while the hīkoi is over, the battle over the bill continues. Submissions have… Audio
Pasifika have moral duty to uphold Te Tiriti - climate activist
Hikoi mo te Tiriti reached its final destination after a nine-day trek for many who are protesting the bill, sponsored by the ACT Party. Audio
Hikoi mo te Tiriti gains support in Cook Islands
Cook Islanders are rallying in support of Tangata Whenua in Wellington protesting against the Treaty Principles Bill. Audio
Nights Politics with Thomas Coughlan
The New Zealand Herald's deputy political editor Thomas Coughlan joins Emile Donovan to talk about the big political stories of the week. Audio
42,000 at Parliament during 'extraordinary' hīkoi
By mid-afternoon today 42,000 people gathered at the Parliamentary precinct and the surrounding streets, police say.
Listen: Hīkoi doesn't represent NZ - Seymour
Seymour came out of the Beehive today to acknowledge the hīkoi and wave at the protesters - but retreated inside after just a few minutes. Audio
David Seymour speaks on Hikoi mo te tiriti
Associate Justice Minister and architect of the Bill, David Seymour came out of parliament to acknowledge the Hikoi and wave at the protestors but retreated after a few minutes, without speaking to… Audio
Hikoi mo te tiriti one of the largest protests
Mark this up as a moment in history - as Parliament held court today to one of the largest protests it has ever seen - more than 35,000 people descending on the capital - to close out a nine day… Audio
Some Ministers and MPs met hikoi on forecourt
While there was plenty of noise outside Parliament, there was also a lot happening inside the building. Some Ministers and MPs met the hikoi on the forecourt before heading inside for Question Time… Audio
Watch the protest at Parliament
Thousands have marched through the streets of a capital and to the Beehive.
Midday Report Essentials for Tuesday 19 November 2024
In today's episode, thousands of tangata whenua and tangata tiriti are gathering to protest the Treaty Principles Bill among other policies affecting Maori, the hikoi departed Cape Reinga a week ago… Audio
Live from Hikoi mo te Tiriti
We check in with reporter Layla Bailey-McDowell who is deep in the crowd amassing at Parliament today. Audio
Crowds gather at Parliament as hikoi arrives
Reporters at Parliament are describing it as a sea of red, black and white as crowds of people continue to stream into Parliament's grounds, many chanting 'toitu te tiriti, ake ake ake'. Audio
Streets around Parliament packed as hīkoi mō te Tiriti arrives
RNZ Deputy political editor, Craig McCulloch is on the balcony at parliament. McCulloch spoke to Charlotte Cook. Audio