Racist attitudes in Australian sport
Rugby league is the latest code to be drawn into claims of racist attitudes in Australian sport. Audio
Search on after Fijian rugby player racially abused
The Canterbury Rugby Union says it is committed to tracking down those who racially taunted a Fijian rugby player on Sunday.
A Sikh Man was left horribly embarrassed after being banned
A Sikh man is mortified after being barred from lunch with colleagues at an Auckland Club. Audio
American black leader is white
American woman Rachel Dolezal says she identifies as black, does it make her so? Audio
The impact of everyday racism
Wallace speaks to Auckland University's Dr David Mayeda, Zoe Henry and Tejay Rimoni about 'I, Too, Am Auckland' - a video concept that explores everyday racism at Auckland University. Audio
Advancing Racial Equity
Integrating a strategy to deal with systemic racism - Courageous Conversations About Race (CCAR), with Matthew Farry, manager of Equity and Diversity, People and Culture at Unitec. Audio
Revolutionary artist and former Black Panther, Emory Douglas
Emory Douglas was the Minister of Culture of the Black Panther Party from 1967 until the Party disbanded in the 1980s. As the art director, designer, and main illustrator for The Black Panther… Audio
Global Neighbours : Mid-West America
Ferguson and the attitudes of the police, racism and justice; the mid-term elections; and why the flow of population from rural to urban areas need to be stemmed. Audio
Controversial documentary on what it means to be white
Earlier this year we heard about a controversial documentary series on white americans talking about what it means to be white. Audio
Muslim NZers tell RNZ's Insight about increasing racial abuse
Muslim New Zealanders are increasingly becoming the victims of racist abuse in the wake of the political focus on the potential threat from ISIS supporters. Audio
Terrorist Fighters Bill is fuelling anti muslim sentiment
The Islamic Women's Council says rhetoric surrounding the government's new anti-terror laws is fuelling racism and a rising number of Muslim women and children are screamed at in the street. Audio
Plea from muslim community to parliamentary committtee
Islamic Community leaders have told MPs they are seeing early signs of Islama-phobia because of the debate over tough new terrorist laws and muslims perceived association with Islamic State. Audio
Aureretanga Parihaka
Te Ahi Kaa this week features a dramatised documentary recreating the political manoeuvrings behind the invasion of Parihaka in Taranaki on 5 November 1881. Audio
Benjamin Wright: strings attached
American producer, composer and musical director who has worked with many musicians, including the new album by New Zealand singer Caii-Michelle. Audio
Playing Favourites with Witi Ihimaera
Pioneering Maori novelist and short story writer who writes about his early life for the first time in Maori Boy: A Memoir of Childhood. Audio
Confronting racism in the US
A controversial documentary series on white americans talking about what it means to be white is being praised and criticised for its frank comments and some of its cringeworthy ones. Audio
American study shows racist habits can be broken
Can you overcome prejudice thoughts - and stop being racist? An American University professor has carried out a three-month test on a group of students and found that like any habit, the habit of bias… Audio
The Selecter
We talk with Pauline Black, front person for Coventry 2 tone group The Selecter, celebrating 35 years together with a New Zealand tour. Audio
Queenstown police officer faces court
A Queenstown police officer charged with making racist comments to a taxi driver says she would never use the words the driver claims. Audio
Hilltop Hoods
Adelaidean rap trio Hilltop Hoods are one of Australia's biggest hip hop exports, but their meat and potatoes boom bap has yet to cut through in New Zealand. Hilltop Hoods' MC Suffa tell us why he… Audio