Global giants commit to tackling plastic pollution
A dozen local and international companies have pledged to make all of their packaging recyclable or compostable by 2025 - which they say will help create a 'circular economy' and reduce waste. Audio
Minister 'inclined towards' ban on plastic bags
The Associate Minister for the Environment says she's inclined towards a ban on plastic bags, but work on the issue is still underway. Audio, Gallery
Warnings over NZ's kerbside recycling
Councils across the country, and the world, are scrambling to find alternatives to sending their waste to China. So with increased costs & stockpiles of waste building up, what to do with our… Audio
Samoa continues to find ways to manage plastic litter
With a number of Pacific countries banning plastic bags in response to plastic litter pollution in the ocean, Samoa continues to face a dilemma on how to manage their waste. Audio
The fight against e-waste continues
Every New Zealander creates an average of 19 kilograms of e-waste a year.
Zero Waste NZ says the UK is "kicking New Zealand's butt"
Waste warrior Marty Hoffart says a 50 cent tax on disposable coffee cups in New Zealand will make people move to reusable cups. Audio
The UK propose a 25p "latte levy", will NZ follow suit?
Reporter Charlie Dreaver talks to coffee drinkers in Wellington to see if there's appetite to introduce a levy on disposable cups in Aotearoa. Audio
Best features of 2017: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Earth-friendly innovations and lifestyles.
Closing the packaging waste loop
How can you turn junk into cash, and encourage manufacturers and consumers to do the right thing when it comes to cutting down and disposing of packaging waste? Audio, Gallery
Soft plastic recycling scheme at risk
The company contracted to recycle soft plastic packaging is warning local authorities and major supermarket chains that the scheme may fail if it doesn't get more support. Last year, the soft plastic… Audio, Gallery
Sew Good's Syrian, Malaysian and Pasifika Mamas
Building, cooking, growing, and especially sewing... Wellington's Sew Good Cooperative and their global mamas from Syria, the Pacific and Indonesia tell Lynda Chanwai-Earle why it takes a village to… Audio, Gallery
Recycling may be dumped as Chinese ban looms
Councils could be forced to dump recycling into landfills when it can no longer be sent to China. From next year, China will stop taking certain waste products, saying contaminants mixed in with the… Audio
$21m-worth of NZ recycling banned from China
There are fears $20 million-worth of plastic, paper and other waste will end up in landfill when it can no longer be recycled in China. From next year, China will stop taking certain waste products… Audio
China ends used plastic imports, recyclers left scrambling
Recycling companies are scrambling to figure out what to do with the thousands of tonnes of plastic they have been sending to China when a ban on some imports kicks in next year. Paul Evans is the… Audio
Waste import ban could send plastic to landfills
There are fears $21m worth of New Zealand's plastic, paper and other waste that China no longer wants will end up in landfills.
Golden Bugs: mining e-waste for gold
Simon Morton visits Mint Innovation, an Auckland company using bacteria to mine precious metals from your old electronic junk. Video, Audio
Rice bags to Blankets
Denise Gibson of the Indian Cafe in Nelson is recycling the cafe's empty rice bags to raise money for a project providing blankets for people in India. Audio
Expert feature: Recycling
Today's expert is Paul Evans, chief executive of WasteMINZ, who tells us all we need to know about recycling. Audio
Dunedin school's fantastic plastic idea
Dunedin North Intermediate's Julie Butler talks about what the kids are doing to battle plastic bags. Audio
Turning ocean plastic into jandals
Plastic waste collected on beaches is being turned into something most of us wear to the beach – jandals. The two New Zealand brothers behind Subs came up with the idea 16 months ago. Audio, Gallery