The Butcher Shop: Dairy
A driver of the economy or a killer of our waterways? A trusted source of baby formula in China, or just a product to be redefined by a series of TV commercials? We take a look at what dairy means to… Audio
Dairy water accord achieves some targets, but vital ones missed
Dairy NZ's three year report on the water accord was released this afternoon and shows targets have been met, but as Kate Gudsell reports there are still big strides to be made. Audio
Government insists its trying to clean up waterways with new focus on swimmability
The Government's plan to clean up waterways is weaker than the standards it is set to replace, according to an official report released today. Chris Bramwell reports. Audio
Action urgently needed on polluted waterways - Secretary for the Environment
A landmark report has found the country's waterways are under increasing threat from intensive farming and growing towns and cities. Audio
Maori are suffering from the poor condition of their waterways
Maori leaders say damage to many of the country's rivers and lakes is having a deep impact on their communities, as Leigh Marama McLachlan reports. Audio
New Zealand's waterways are under stress
A report done by the PM's chief scientist has found many waterways have passed a tipping point and might never get back to their original state. Sir Peter Gluckman found that agriculture is the main… Audio
Some waterways will take 'more than a century' to recover
Environment Minister Nick Smith describes the report as fair and robust. He doesn't take any "negative spin" from it but says it shows our river pollution isn't a problem that arose yesterday and will… Audio
Some waterways beyond tipping point - Sir Peter Gluckman
The Prime Minister's chief scientist, Sir Peter Gluckman, has highlighted harsh realities about the state of New Zealand's fresh water in a new report. Audio
New water system might work better say some scientists
Professor Jenny Webster-Brown from Canterbury and Lincoln universities' Waterways Centre says the new system is easier to follow than the previous system. She agrees the threshold has become less… Audio
Re-building healthy rivers
Freshwater ecologist Dr Catherine Febria, talks to Kathryn Ryan about boosting healthy resilience in polluted rivers. Audio
Pointing out the clean green flaws
Actor Bruce Hopkins is now a tour guide - he points out New Zealand's dirty secrets. === Audio
Dozens of eels likely killed by sewage
Sewage is likely to have caused the deaths of dozens of eels in a Picton stream, the local council says.
Fish and Game calls for waterways focus at local elections
Fish and Game has a new approach to cleaning up New Zealand's waterways - it's urging people to stand for their local authority in October's elections, on a promise to improve water quality. Audio
Environment Canterbury under fire again over stock in waterways
No Canterbury land owner has been prosecuted for allowing stock in waterways in the past five years, but the regional council says it's not soft on enforcing its rules. Audio
Greens weigh in on cattle polluting Take Taylor
A man who owns a bach neighbouring Lake Taylor says he has been complaining to authorities for the past decade about cattle polluting the lake. Audio
Forum wants all stock excluded from waterways by 2030
The Land and Water Forum advises the Government on freshwater management. Its members range from dairy giant Fonterra, to Forest and Bird, and the Environmental Defence Society. Last year it released… Audio
Decade of complaints on cattle in waterways
We turn now to Lake Taylor, scene of cattle in the water, in direct violation of rule 5.68 of the Canterbury Land and Water regional Plan which explicitly excludes, quote, "cattle standing in any… Video, Audio
A Don't Muddy the Water Project
Angela Halliday from Horticulture New Zealand talks about the 'Don't Muddy the Water' project to measure the effect of best management practice for soils on farms. Audio
Insight Sunday 8 March: Dirty Dairying
Craig Ashworth looks at the progress that's being made to clean up New Zealand's waterways. Audio