Stories by Laura Bootham
New court system to benefit Māori
Courts could see fewer tāngata whenua in prison and re-offendending if a more holistic model was used, say Māori working in the justice system.
Artists aim to make mark at Guam festival
Māori aim to make their artistic mark at a world famous arts festival for indigenous people.
Māori top test for work-life balance
New research has found Māori score the highest for work-life balance and life satisfaction when compared with seven other cultures.
Top rugby school 'disappointed' by selectors
Rotorua Boys' High School says it can't understand why none of its rugby players have received a call up to the New Zealand Schools' Development camp.
Forestry owners say environment standards work
The proposed National Environmental Standard does protect areas prone to erosion, the Forest Owners Association says.
Iwi 'could do a much better job' of running prison
A Hawke's Bay iwi is keen to one day run the area's prison, saying it could operate it more effectively than the Department of Corrections.
School hooks up neighbours with UFB
An isolated kura on the East Coast of the North Island is to share its ultra-fast broadband with the community at a reduced cost.
Cultural trust broadens scope
A trust fund set up to provide Māori with the skills to look after taonga has widened its scope due to a growing interest in Te Māori Exhibition and taonga.
Boarding school plan needed - Māori Party
The Māori Party is calling for a national hui on the issues facing the country's six remaining Māori boarding schools.
New banknotes not on the money - iwi
The Reserve Bank's not on the money with its superficial approach to new banknotes designs, a Gisborne iwi says.
Sonny Tau withdraws hapū leadership bid
Embattled iwi leader Sonny Tau has withdrawn from a competition to represent Ngai Tāwake on the Tūhoronuku Independent Mandated Authority.
CYF private sector involvement 'would take us back 100 years'
One of the country's largest iwi says the Government would be abdicating its responsibility for vulnerable tamariki if parts of Child, Youth and Family were privatised.
Church to fight to keep school open
The Presbyterian Church has described a Maori girls' boarding college under threat of closure as a 'jewel' that should not be lost.
School seeks strategies to avert closure
A Māori boarding school's board of trustees is holding hui with its owner to find strategies to stop it from closing.
Encourage traditional medicine says researcher
Researchers studying traditional rongoā Māori say there is an urgent need to increase the number of healers to stop the knowledge from being lost forever.
CYF private sector moves worry social work expert
An expert in social work is warning that any move to shift Child, Youth and Family services to the private sector could endanger Māori tamariki.
Study highlights importance of traditional kai
Researchers say malnutrition in older Māori is less likely to happen if an holistic Māori world view is acknowledged.
Māori paddlers prepare for race in Hawaii
A team of young Māori paddlers, Ngā Tauira Māori, are training hard for the world's longest and most challenging outrigger canoe races in Hawaii next month.
Ruatoria residents' fight for bank rewarded
A credit union's decision to provide banking facilities has been met with relief by residents after Westpac decided to close the only bank left in town.
Māori MPs at odds over workplace safety
Labour MP Nanaia Mahuta is critical of the Government's amended Health and Safety Reform Bill, saying its changes put Māori workers at risk.
Govt praised for giving $14m to upgrade school
The Far North Mayor is praising the Government's decision to spend up to $14 million to upgrade Northland College in Kaikohe.
Govt aims to clinch iwi deal by end of 2016
The Government says it is optimistic that a treaty settlement agreement can be reached with Ngāpuhi by the end of next year.
'A starting point' for Māori water rights
The Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Local Government New Zealand which it says will make local and central government more accountable to Māori.
The changing sound of Māori vowels
When kuia and kaumātua say Māori vowels are not pronounced like they used to be, they'd be right. Audio
Crown defends TPP secrecy at Waitangi Tribunal hearing
The Waitangi Tribunal questioned the Solicitor General about the secrecy surrounding the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement at a hearing in Wellington yesterday.