Stories by Laura Bootham
Auditor-General defends Whānau Ora report
Officials from the Auditor-General's office have faced tough questions from MPs about its critical report into Whānau Ora.
Minister backs MSD investigation over slur
The Social Development Minister is backing an investigation into two Work and Income employees after they got into an argument outside a Taupō bar.
MSD starts investigation after racial slur
The Ministry of Social Development is launching a full investigation after it was alleged Work and Income employees used abusive language outside a bar in Taupō.
Māori dairy corporation cuts costs
The chief executive of a Taranaki-based Māori dairy incorporation says that a plunge in dairy prices is leading to it having to cut its costs.
Flag designs show strong Māori elements
The Flag Consideration Panel has received a significant number of flag designs that include Māori symbols, it says.
Call for better engagement with Maori over housing
Auckland Māori are being kept in the dark about what's being done to solve the city's housing woes, the MP for Tāmaki Makaurau says.
Ruatoria bank to be withdrawn
Campaigners that tried to keep the last bank in the East Coat town of Ruatoria open say residents are devastated by the news it is to close. Audio
Whanganui families still struggling after floods
Helping families isolated by flooding will in some ways be more difficult now that Whanganui's state of emergency has been lifted, an iwi leader says.
'Single parents struggling' - Families Commission report
The Families Commission says New Zealand families and whānau are faring well with the exception of single parents.
Disappointment at charges against Sonny Tau
Two Ngāpuhi-affiliated MPs have renewed their calls for Sonny Tau to step down from all of his leadership roles while he faces charges of hunting and possessing kererū. Audio
Sonny Tau debacle causing rifts, says Harawira
The leader of the Mana Movement says the controversy over Ngāpuhi leader Sonny Tau has caused deep divisions within northern Māori.
Council stands by Sonny Tau
The Ngāpuhi tribal council is standing by its man, Sonny Tau, despite the leader stepping down from the chair of the iwi's treaty negotiation board.
Call for Sonny Tau to step down from other roles
Two Māori MPs with iwi affiliations to Ngāpuhi want Sonny Tau to step down from other leadership roles while an investigation is underway.
Calls for swamp kauri extraction law change
The Māori Advisory Committee to the Northland Regional Council is calling for the laws around the extraction of swamp kauri to be tightened.
Praise for forestry safety council
A Māori forestry company owner is praising the safety council set up to try to combat the high number of deaths in the industry.
Māori Board: Auckland Council progress 'disappointing'
The Independent Māori Statutory Board says Auckland Council needs to work much harder to address the needs of mana whenua. Audio
Sir Peter Williams QC 'sadly fallen'
A shock has "rippled through the world of Māoridom", Sir Peter's close friend Dover Samuels says.
Ruatōria community rallies to save last bank in town
The East Coast community of Ruatōria is rallying to stop Westpac from closing its branch - the only bank still open in the town.
Work underway on anti-violence policies
A series of hui on preventing violence against Māori wahine has thrown up a number of helpful ways to combat the problem, the Minister for Women says.
Mixed views on how Budget impacts Maori
A closer look at what's in and out of the 2015 Budget for Maori.
Dismay at lack of Maori on CYF review panel
The Government is excluding Māori from an expert panel set up to review Child, Youth and Family, the Whānau Ora iwi leaders group chair says.
Marae clash with Hutt Council over flooding
A Lower Hutt marae is calling for more support from its local council after the building was flooded during last week's devastating storm.
Maori in regions disadvantaged - report
A Salvation Army report released today reveals that Māori who live in regional areas such as Northland and Gisborne are getting a "bad deal".
Disparity in Māori prostate cancer survival
Racism and discrimination are partly responsible for Māori men's poor survival rate for prostate cancer, a Māori health specialist says.
Tāngata whenua back new rates model
Tāngata whenua are backing a new rates model introduced by the Far North District Council which they say gives multiple-owners of Māori land a fair rates system for the first time.