Stories by Sally Round
The kūmara connection
It's nearly time for the kūmara harvest at Kai Rotorua and this year, old meets new.
Good times, tough times and everything in between
Farming in the wake of the Mount Tarawera eruption has tested the Ford family for nearly a century.
'They get an honest answer, whether it's the good, the bad or the ugly'
Farmer Bradley Riggs has more than just the sheep to think about. He has high profile guests and celebrities staying at the farm's luxury lodge and enjoys showing them the kiwi farming life and…
Could small-scale farms be the best way to feed the country?
Alison Bentley is a small-scale farmer with big ideas on how smaller farms can help solve the growing problem of food insecurity in New Zealand.
Sharing the finer things - NZ's wine ambassador to China
Fang Mei's love of wine was sparked by the New Zealand tradition of Friday drinks and the discovery that she had a good palate. Now she has her own vineyard in Martinborough and educates people in…
Topdresser notches up major milestone in 'tractor of the skies'
Aerial topdresser John Bargh has notched up 30,000 hours in the air in nearly five decades spreading fert on hill country farms. Despite tough economic times, his passion for flying remains.
Farm strides ahead on the back of Tora Coastal Walk
It's 30 years since the Elworthy family began the Tora Coastal Walk, one of the first multi-day hikes on farmland in NZ. It's been the key to this rugged farm's survival.
How pills for cows and 'light recipes' may help slow global warming
A range of tools are not too far off to knock back greenhouse gases from livestock burps.
Could biochar be the wonder product for forestry and farming?
A large farm and forestry operation in the Far North is keen to turn its slash from upcoming harvests into something that benefits the land, climate and stock.
On the hunt for wallaby at 'Ground Zero'
A group of Te Arawa iwi are trying to reclaim their forest from mobs of wallabies which they say are killing the bush and gobbling up farmland.
Stockfeed from tough bugs 'good for planet and people'
In a Rotorua lab scientists are cooking up plans to create stockfeed out of greenhouse gases captured from geothermal power stations.
The gore and the glory of a rural vet round
Kaipara-based Scottish vet Rory Dean has written a book based on his experiences as a rural vet in the UK and New Zealand.
Getting cosy and creative under canvas
A riverside tent becomes a classroom for the day for children taking part in the Ruamāhanga Farm Foundation project, connecting the awa with the local community.
Digging up skills to grow food
Agriculture classes at school sometimes get a bad rap, but the Grow Hub is turning that around.
Country Life: Discovering a sweet spot for grapevines in the Bay of Islands
Old grape vines clambering over a tumbledown shed were the start of Jake Dromgool's wine-growing venture. He's grown a dizzying array of varieties on the volcanic soils outside Kerikeri.
Yu Kali曾在中国一座繁忙城市的商场里卖鞋,如今她和她的女儿在新西兰乡间做起了微型菜苗生意。她们的创业项目--Mama Kali's Farm--就像她们种植的菜苗一样,正在快速成长。
From selling shoes in China to a microgreens farm in rural NZ
Yu Kali and Yu Jiang's microgreens venture is sprouting almost as fast as the tiny veggies themselves.
How NZ exporters can navigate choppy seas in China
Mark Tanner knows what people in New Zealand's largest market are consuming. He's the founder of China Skinny, a market research company based in Shanghai.
Young hands help recreate ancient forest
Ancient podocarp forest has become a classroom for schoolchildren taking part in a project to link land, river and community
A bird on the farm worth two in the bush?
How do you stop birds colliding with New York's skyscrapers and how can New Zealand farmers benefit from birds and other wildlife? These are just some of the questions Dr Sara Kross has been trying to…
A sweet life farming salt - "just a man and his bucket"
James Moore is up to his knees in the waves at Cable Bay in Northland, a bucket in each hand. He's a small-scale salt farmer, with a plan to help others into salt farming.
AudioTropical fruit tree seedlings in high demand as climate changes
Warmer weather means people can now grow fruits like pawpaw and bananas as far south as Invercargill.
AudioA 'beautiful abundant food system' for future generations
Jared Hiakita has been germinating a seed of an idea while nurturing his food forest at the off-grid family farm in Hokianga. The seed has grown into a charity which will grow and donate fruit tree…
Audio'See, feel, touch': How a riverside farm connects with community
A South Wairarapa riverside farm is turning into a rich classroom, offering lessons in science and the environment, maths, language, and legends of the land.