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Justine Murray
Senior Producer Justine Murray has worked in media for over two decades. Iwi radio was her springboard into other areas of radio including freelance reporting and writing. The producer of the former weekly RNZ show Te Ahi Kaa, Justine joined the podcast team and oversaw the podcast version of the award-winning Whakamāori (Arataua Media) and is the producer of the RNZ original series Nau Mai Town. In 2023 Justine produced the podcast version of NZ Wars: Stories of Wairau, in this new chapter NZ Wars: Stories of Tauranga Moana, Justine is connected to this story through her ancestor, Paraone Koikoi.
RNZ Programmes
Nau Mai Town
Join Justine Murray as she takes us on a haerenga around Aotearoa to learn about place names and their origins.
NZ Wars: Stories of Tauranga Moana
The fifth chapter of this series recounts the events that unfolded in the Bay of Plenty and their far-reaching consequences for future generations. Made with the support of NZ On Air.
More National Presenters
Corin Dann
Station: National
Programme: Morning Report
Cosmo Kentish-Barnes
Station: National
Programme: Country Life
Duncan Smith
Station: National
Programme: Country Life
Julian Wilcox
Station: National
Programme: Waitangi Day