31 Oct 2021

How fasting may offer health benefits beyond dieting

From Sunday Morning, 11:44 am on 31 October 2021

Intermittent fasting has recently become a major health trend, with devotees claiming it can cause impressive weight loss with quick turnarounds. But there might be more to the fasting diet than being able to tighten the belt a few notches. Researchers out of the University of Wisconsin looking at mice on different diets have found that those who were fed fewer calories in a single daily feeding lived longer than mice eating the same number of calories distributed throughout the day. Study author Dudley Lamming has long studied the effect of restricted diets on metabolism. He's with us to look at the study, published in Nature Metabolism, how eating less helped improve the health and lifespan of rodents, and whether it's likely to be the same for people.

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