The twilight of the movie superhero age
Are movie goers Marvelled-out, done with DC? Film producers are betting we're not completely over superheroes, with the release of offerings featuring Batman villains, but not the caped crusader… Audio
Batman: The Caped Crusader
Rodrigo Martinez Gazoni chats with Bryan Crump about the scientific plausibility of Batman's cape and some of his other gadgets. Audio
Getting inside the heads of movie watchers
Director, writer and producer Kevin Goetz has been at the centre of the movie research industry for more than 30 years. Goetz is also a member of the Academy and was in attendance at the Oscars this… Audio
What does the superhero craze say about our own times?
Superman and his descendants launched a fascination with technological superism that continues today. Iwan Rhys Morus is professor of history at Aberystwyth University in Wales and has recently… Audio
Feature Interview - Glen Weldon
There are very few things that kids in 2016 like that kids in 1939 enjoyed too. Batman, the superhero who has no super powers but a wicked batmobile and more gadgets than 007, has appeal across the… Audio
Nights' Culture - Comics & Graphic Novels
Shading in the heroes and villains of an animated realm is cartoonist, writer, illustrator Adrian Kinnaird... why readers of superhero comics love to see their favourite characters go head to head...
…Widescreen’s best of the web (5 April)
Our pick of the best* and most interesting screen-related articles and features from around the web including Sad Ben Affleck’s conflicted relationship with class, the gay subtext in Batman, and an…
Rancho Notorious 4/8: Batman v Superman v Darth Vader
Kailey and Dan are joined via Skype from the Cayman Islands by our comic book cinematic universe expert Andy James, The three of us pick apart the new Batman v Superman film (spoilers!) and try to… Audio
Batman v Superman v Darth Vader
Kailey and Dan are joined via a Skype link from the Cayman Islands by our comic book cinematic unvierse expert Andy James. The three of us pick apart the new Batman v Superman film (spoilers!) and try… Audio