COVID - 19
Making the Covid message clear
Someone broke the rules to put Auckland in Level 3 and there has been a clamour for punishment. But the situation isn't black and white. Is our covid messaging still appropriate? Audio
Making the Covid message clear
Someone broke the rules to put Auckland in Level 3 and there has been a clamour for punishment. But the situation isn't black and white. Is our covid messaging still appropriate?
AudioQuestion time key part of shortened sitting day
Question time was considered an essential part of business this week as fewer MPs sat for shorter hours under changing Covid alert levels at Parliament. Video, Audio
Question time key part of shortened sitting day
Question time was considered an essential part of business this week as fewer MPs sat for shorter hours under changing Covid alert levels at Parliament.
Video, AudioShorter days,fewer MPs and urgency at Parliament under alert level two
Shorter days, fewer MPs, and work on the Covid-19 response are a few of the changes at Parliament as it sits under Covid alert level 2 this week Audio
Shorter days,fewer MPs and urgency at Parliament under alert level two
Shorter days, fewer MPs, and work on the Covid-19 response are a few of the changes at Parliament as it sits under Covid alert level 2 this week
AudioThe path of a pandemic - what's next?
An economist and analyst who plotted the path of the new Covid virus - and gave the government an early head's up - talks about how it unfolded and what's likely to happen next. Audio
The path of a pandemic - what's next?
An economist and analyst who plotted the path of the new Covid virus - and gave the government an early head's up - talks about how it unfolded and what's likely to happen next.
AudioCafes and restaurants struggle without tourism
There are reports today that staff at Astoria, one of Wellington's most well-known cafes have been made redundant weeks out from Christmas. The chief executive of Hospitality New Zealand, Julie White… Audio
Parliament this week: Catching up with Covid-19
The Government will have to make up for time lost due to Covid-19 as it works on legislation this week Audio
Parliament this week: Catching up with Covid-19
The Government will have to make up for time lost due to Covid-19 as it works on legislation this week