Inland Revenue
IRD starts to crack down on unpaid overseas student loan debt
The Inland Revenue department has doubled the size of its team responsible for chasing down overseas-based student loan debt and is taking more legal action in both New Zealand and Australia. Overdue… Audio
Child support roulette
Child support arrears and penalties sit at nearly a billion dollars. That's comparatively good news, according to the tax department. Audio
Cutting edge technology helps the IRD nab fraudsters
Data released by Inland Revenue shows a new multi-million dollar technology upgrade is making a big difference in curbing tax fraud. Audio
Do the wealthy pay their fair share of tax?
Do the wealthy pay their fair share of tax? Three recent reports have come to very different conclusions. An Inland Revenue investigation has found New Zealand's wealthiest families pay less than half… Audio
Kiwis not confident businesses will pay back wage subsidy
A new survey from Research New Zealand has found that almost ninety percent of New Zealanders think we should take action against the big companies that appear to have profited from Covid-19 wage… Audio
Quake risk evacuation: IRD and NZTA seek new offices for 700 staff
Two government departments are on the lookout for temporary offices to house 700 public servants in Palmerston North, after their building was deemed an earthquake risk.
Oxfam claims NZ among countries hit by tax-shifting companies
Oxfam is accusing four multinational drug companies of avoiding millions of dollars worth of New Zealand taxes every year. But Inland Revenue says Oxfam's figures are misleading. Audio
Public servants strike, call for better pay
About 4000 staff from Inland Revenue and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment ditched their desks for placards today, as they hit the streets calling for better pay. Video, Audio
IRD to waive penalties over online payment glitches
Inland Revenue will not penalise any traders who file late GST returns because of technical glitches that have affected its online payment system.
Businesses rebuke IRD's GST system
Over the past couple of days Inland Revenue has come for some stern criticism 's over its new online processing system. Audio
IRD missing out on $1 billion in tax from unreported income
Today is Tax Freedom Day - the day when you stop working for the government and start working for yourself.
IRD works with international agencies on tax haven leak
Inland Revenue wants to hear from any New Zealand taxpayer with exposure to the Bermuda-based firm at the centre of a huge leak of financial documents.
IRD defends 'offensive' psychometric tests
Inland Revenue is standing by its decision to use psychometric testing as part of a massive restructure which will see more than 800 employees re-apply for their jobs.
Union takes IRD to court over psychometric testing
Inland Revenue is being taken to court for demanding its workers to take personality tests as they reapply for their jobs - a demand that's being criticised as "unethical" and "legally dubious". Staff… Audio
Peters compensated if proven officials leaked pension info
The Privacy Commissioner says Winston Peters could be entitled to compensation if it is found private details of his superannuation were leaked to journalists. Audio
Google NZ pays $300k in tax, posts another $600k loss
The subsidiary paid $304,860 in tax last year as online advertising - in which it dominates the market - hit record levels, but has reported another $600,000 loss.
Govt's planned tax changes to hit foreign trusts
The government's move to tighten tax rules for multinational companies may also spell the end of this country's foreign trust industry. Audio
Technology replacing 1800 IRD jobs by 2021
The Public Service Association says Inland Revenue is planning to cut nearly a third of its 6,000 jobs by 2021 and PSA national secretary Erin Polaczuk says the "roles that continue to exist will be… Audio
IRD plans to reduce staff numbers by 30% by 2021
Hundreds of roles will change at IRD in order to better equip staff to handle technological changes, IRD commissioner Naomi Ferguson says. Video, Audio
Govt proposes changes to tax returns process
The government wants to let Inland Revenue chase owed tax and give out tax refunds without people having to file a tax return.