Jk Rowling
Online misinformation, real world damage
A rancorous debate over an Olympic boxer and violent riots in the UK both trace back to rampant misinformation online - and one social media platform in particular.
The Philosopher's Stone
The Philosopher's Stone in the Harry Potter books can change metal into gold and create an elixir of life. Erin Leitao tells Bryan Crump whether either ability is within our reach. Audio
Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak
Colm Healy chats about the magic of material science and possible real life equivalents to Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. Audio
Media mismatch on an 'out-of-control mob'
The protest that overwhelmed a rally for anti-trans rights activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull in Auckland last weekend was described as out-of-control and violent in some accounts. Two reporters who… Audio
Dr. Katie Mack: How the universe is likely to end
How the universe will end remains a question that has not been definitively answered. Theoretical cosmologist Katie Mack researched and outlined five of the most likely ways it will come about in her… Audio
All spun out: spinoffs - the good, the bad and the blah
What makes a spinoff good, bad, or just blah? Can you build something new and glorious around a fan favourite character or will they lose what makes them special, if they take a starring role? Audio