Jeremy Sutton
The Week in Detail: Congestion, divorce, and toxic algae
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The Week in Detail: Congestion, divorce, and toxic algae
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week.
AudioDivorce, remarriage, inheritance, and outdated laws
Family disputes are getting increasingly complex and costly to unravel. There's agreement on updating the law, but actual changes have stalled. Audio
Divorce, remarriage, inheritance, and outdated laws
Family disputes are getting increasingly complex and costly to unravel. There's agreement on updating the law, but actual changes have stalled.
AudioJeremy Sutton: Relationship breakdown season
After analysing Facebook posts detailing break-ups, data experts discovered December 11 was the most common day for it. Jeremy Sutton is an Auckland barrister, family lawyer and divorce lawyer. He… Audio
Navigating separation after an on-again, off-again relationship
Divorce lawyer Jeremy Sutton joins Kathryn to talk about the issues couples need to think about if they're separating from an intermittent relationship. How is the length of a de facto relationship… Audio
What impact is the property market and Covid having on separations?
Divorce and family law expert Jeremy Sutton joins Kathryn to look at the pressures that can be generated over the family home when couples separate and how the extension of the bright line test has… Audio
Covid-19: Separation enquiries up 25 pct - barrister
Lawyers say they're being inudated with separation enquiries as relationships buckle under the pressures of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Auckland barrister and mediator Jeremy Sutton is among lawyers… Audio
Law Commission recommends divorce property revamp
The Law Commission is calling for a change to New Zealand's law on dividing property when a couple separates. Audio
Selling the family home when couples break-up
Court ordered sales of houses in divorce cases appear to be on the rise as the cost of breaking up, takes a financial toll on separating couples. Auckland family lawyer, Jeremy Sutton has noticed an… Audio
Divorce applications spike after Christmas
Relationship experts say the new year stirs resolutions in those unhappy with their relationships, especially if they have had a stressful Christmas, leading to a rise in divorce applications in… Audio
When relationships go sour - pre-nups & loans
Auckland lawyer Jeremy Sutton with some cautionary advice to parents helping their adult children onto the property market. Is that house deposit from the bank of Mum and Dad a gift, or a loan? And… Audio
Report finds shortcomings in CYF handling of Family Group Conferences
A highly critical briefing paper to Government ministers identifies significant shortcomings in the way Child Youth and Family runs Family Group Conferences. The paper has just been obtained by Nine… Audio
Kim Dotcom compo case would be 'unprecedented' says lawyer
An Auckland lawyer specialising in compensation cases says if Kim Dotcom decides to sue for the illegal search and seizure at his Coatesville mansion could earn him tens of thousands of dollars. Audio
Payouts for prisoners kept locked up for too long
Corrections is regularly holding prisoners in jail for too long by mistake then having to pay them thousands of dollars in compensation. Audio