Jonathan Milne
The Panel with Aimie Hines & Tim Batt (Part 1)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman and panellists Aimie Hines & Tim Batt discuss: the Cook Islands soon to be signed deal with China, and the news Wellington's Begonia House is to be saved. Aimie… Audio
Geopolitical games in the South Pacific
As the US looks to be leaving the Pacific, and New Zealand is rowing with Kiribati and the Cook Islands, experts worry about Chinese influence. Audio
Behind SolarZero's collapse
How a solar power company backed by public funds and one of the world's largest asset managers went into liquidation. Audio
Hikoi hoha, news deserts, deep-dive deep-pocket podcast
This week's Hikoi mo Te Tiriti harvested heaps of headlines, hours of airtime and piles of print and pixels - media copped plenty of criticism for the coverage. Also: a deep-dive podcast that needed… Audio
New podcast investigates billion dollar Kiwi supplement company's Jonathan Milne started investigating Kiwi start-up AG1 after hearing their ads on countless American podcasts, and finding their products weren't easily available in New Zealand. Audio
The special school that's being starved
An Auckland school for some of our most vulnerable children is crumbling, and any hopes for a rebuild have just been dashed by the government's moves to halt school property developments. Audio
The Week in Detail: Supie, 15-minute cities, and gang crackdowns
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Supie's sidelined, so what's next?
Introducing more competition into the grocery sector will be one of the first, and trickiest, tasks facing the new government. Audio
Report finds history repeating in coverage of calls for crime crackdown
Political calls to crack down on crime are echoing in our media ahead of the upcoming election - not for the first time. Two seasoned journalists showed this was part of a pattern in a report on crime… Audio
Reviving the blue highway of coastal shipping
Global shipping restraints are putting New Zealand importers and exporters at risk. There's a solution, but it's not cheap, and it won't come as quickly as it's needed. Audio
Opening up the skies in a post-pandemic world
The impact of the pandemic has been apocalyptic on international air travel- but that's starting to change. Audio
Big on plans, small on detail - Amazon is coming
Amazon's plans to build giant data centres in New Zealand reveal very little detail. Audio
The government's takeover of water infrastructure
Crumbling pipes, polluted beaches, bugs in drinking water ... something has to be done about the nation's ageing water infrastructure. But is Three Waters the right solution? Audio
The new ACT MPs who could shake up parliament
ACT scored big on election night but it was a "bittersweet" victory - the party is still on the wrong side of power. So what will its nine new MPs do for the next three years? Audio
The return of the Kiwi diaspora
New Zealanders are coming home in droves in what's becoming known as the 'brain gain'. Who are they, why are they returning, and how long will they stay for? Audio
Cook Islands travel bubble inches closer
The push for a travel bubble with the Cook Islands continues, but the only barrier seems to be each country keeping community transmission-free for four weeks. Former Cook Islands News editor Jonathan… Audio
Cook Islands/NZ bubble likely by end of year - PM
The editor of The Cook Island News talks to The Panel about the announcement of a likely Cook Island bubble before the end of the year. Audio
Singer targets smart young women with new online outlet
Has a sudden a surge of sexism taken our mainstream media back to 1950 again for women? Lizzie Marvelly tells Mediawatch that's one reason why she's launched Audio
The media focus on the Prince's female fans
Never mind a new flag or debate about our head of state - the Prince's female fans preoccupied many in our media during the recent royal visit. Audio
Art of Change
Author and art teacher talks about his new book Go, the art of change. Audio