UK polls tighten even more with just two days til voting
With just two days to go until voting in the UK elections opens and the race is tightening even more. Matt Singh, who's an Election Analyst for the Financial Times, says there's quite a lot of… Audio
Govt short changing health sector by $2.3 billion- Labour
The Labour Party says the government is short changing the health sector to the tune of $2.3 billion. The party's leader Andrew Little says funding hasn't kept up with the growing population and… Video, Audio
UK polls show gap between Labour and Conservatives narrowing
If political polls in the UK are to be believed, the election race is tightening, with just over a week to go until Britons go to the polling booths. Some polls are putting Labour and Jeremy Corbyn… Audio
Labour responds to National's election year budget
The government's tax cuts are unfair, irresponsible and poorly target according to Labour's finance spokesman Grant Robertson who doesn't think the budget goes far enough to help those most in need. Audio
English challenges Labour to take position on new TPP
The Prime Minister, Bill English, has thrown down a challenge to Labour to support what the Government hopes will be the new 11-nation version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Audio
Labour sees Housing as a vote winner
Labour leader Andrew Little defends his plans to crackdown on property investors and tells Morning Report that what National's associate social housing minister Alfred Ngaro did is totally wrong. Video, Audio
Labour pledges to close property loophole
Labour leader Andrew Little has taken aim at property speculators. Speaking at the party's annual conference Mr Little announced he'd crack down on tax loopholes to level the playing field for first… Audio
Labour promises $43 million for free GP mental health care
Labour would fund a two-year pilot providing faster and more effective mental health treatment to 40,000 people a year through their GP. Audio
Is Labour running in to trouble with Maori voters?
What do our commentators Hirini Kaa and Scott Campbell make of the charter school debate? Audio
Chris Hipkins defends Labour's charter school policy
Labour's education spokesperson Chris Hipkins says Charter Schools will be given options to change. He is confident Labour's Maori MPs will get behind the policy. "I think we need to focus on… Audio
Criticism of Charter Schools by Labour is "weak electioneering"
We talk to the two sides of the charter school debate. On one side is Raewyn Tipene, the chief executive of He Puna Marama Trust which runs a Maori-focussed charter school in Whangarei. "It will be a… Audio
Prime Minister Winston Peters?
Winston Peters' says a member of the NZ First team negotiating possible coalition arrangements, reminded both Labour and National that it was not unprecedented for the leader of the second largest… Audio
Willow-Jean Prime ranked 16 on Labour's list
Willow-Jean Prime is number 16 on Labour's party list. She's 34 and the highest ranking Maori candidate on the list. Audio
Willie Jackson on standing for Labour, and his list ranking
The announcement of Labour's party list was delayed a day, reportedly because broadcaster Willie Jackson wasn't happy with his ranking. He talks to John Campbell. Audio
Labour releases party list
Labour released its party list today, a day after it planned to. The delay was widely reported to be because Willie Jackson was unhappy about his position. Chris Bramwell reports. Audio
List member upstages Labour's announcment
Labour candidate Willie Jackson has taken the wind out of the sails of the party's list announcement. Audio
David Cunliffe bows out of Parliament with no regrets
David Cunliffe, who led Labour into the last election with its worst ever result, is leaving Parliament to take up a job with a management consultancy firm. Audio
Peters could be kingmaker, 'Jacinda effect' kicks in
Poll of Polls - Labour's popularity is up, possibly thanks to Jacinda Ardern's promotion to deputy leader, and Winston Peters could be in a power position after the election, new polls show.
Labour accuses English of putting off water issue
Labour leader Andrew Little says the Government is deliberately delaying the question of taxing water until after the election. Video, Audio
Battle for Maori seats heats up
Labour's process for rankings MPs and candidates is underway, with the final list expected to be made public sometime in May. The battle for the Maori seats is heating up, with the deal between Mana… Audio