Labour says it can't control Greens' desire to introduce taxes
Labour leader Andrew Little says the Green Party's tax policies will not influence its own no new taxes pledge. Labour has a co-operation agreement with the Greens who say they will include a capital… Audio
Ardern confirmed as new Labour deputy
Labour's new deputy Jacinda Ardern will be the voice of a generation that the current government has ignored, leader Andrew Little says. Video
Labour says National's superannuation policy doesn't stack up
Labour leader Andrew Little says any law changes won't come in until after the general election and they won't take effect until 2041 "This looks like a highly flexible, bendable, negotiable policy to… Audio
Why Jacinda, why now? Our panel weighs in
Political commentators assess how much impact Jacinda Ardern's seemingly certain elevation to Labour's deputy leadership will make. Audio
Andrew Little and Jacinda Ardern on her sudden deputy nomination
Annette King will retire at the election and has backed Mt Albert MP Jacinda Ardern as her replacement, as has Labour leader Andrew Little. Video, Audio
Andrew Little: PM's comments on drug tests "an excuse"
"What I hear from employers is that they want to employ younger New Zealanders, any New Zealanders." The Labour Leader Andrew Little says employers want WINZ to work with the unemployed to get them… Audio
The new MP for Mount Albert is Jacinda Ardern
Labour's Jacinda Ardern,the winner of the Mt Albert by-election joins Wallace for a quick chat. Audio
Labour confirms two nominations for election
The Labour Party has confirmed two of its nominations for safe Labour seats in the upcoming general election.
Labour leader stands by Willie Jackson being a Labour candidate
Andrew Little has promised a high list placing for broadcaster Willie Jackson, who joined the party at the weekend, saying he has strong ties to urban Maori, a vote Labour is wanting to grow. Audio
Labour calls Thiel citizenship decision 'bizarre'
Labour decries the lack of transparency over the grant of citizenship of Peter Thiel. "Our citizenship shouldn't be a commodity that's up for sale" Audio
Ex-police union head want to be Labour candidate in Ohariu
The former head of the Police Association, Gren O'Connor, has thrown his hat into the ring for the Labour Party nomination for the seat of Ohariu. If he gets the nod, he'll be up against incumbent MP… Audio
Andrew Little's declaration on the state of the nation.
The panel disects the state-of-the-nation address by Andrew Little which Labour teamed up with the Greens to gain more attention. Audio
Tradewinds for 24 January 2017
Palau aims for high-end tourism; CNMI hopes for change to US foreign labour policy; Plans for a breadfruit industry in Tonga, and; The Marshall Islands opt for more solar energy. Audio
Bill Ralston, Jane Clifton, Richard Harman - The National Party post Key
Three of New Zealand's most experienced political commentators discuss the National Party post Key and what we can expect in next year's election. Audio
Swarbrick considered Labour before joining Greens
Chlöe Swarbrick has announced plans to stand for the Green Party at the 2017 General Election, but says she did consider running for Labour.
The Importance of Well Made Clothes
Courtney Sanders is a Melbourne-based Kiwi and co-founder of Well Made Clothes. She talks to Sonia Sly about setting up an online ethical clothing business and a movement towards slow fashion. Audio
Labour defends job policy cost: 'The numbers add up"
Labour is defending the projected cost of its job scheme policy for young unemployed New Zealanders, as presented to journalists.
Labour's volunteer work policy comes in for criticism
Labour wants out of work beneficeries to do volunteer work but Forest and Bird is apprehensive about the proposal, saying it needs to lead to more meaningful paid work. We speak to Forest and Bird. Audio
Who's left when Morgan's on TOP?
Power Play - Gareth Morgan might insist The Opportunities Party policies span the political spectrum, but it's Labour and the Greens who seem nervous.
Labour's holds its annual conference this weekend in Auckland
Labour is turning its sights to next year's election, as party members and MPs gather in Auckland tonight for its annual conference. Audio