Nz Defence Force
NZDF to continue North Korea sanctions deployments
The government has confirmed it will continue its deployments to support sanctions against North Korea, with defence force personnel to operate out of Kadena Air Base in Japan.
Troop withdrawal from Iraq
International law professor Dr Al Gillespie on the government's announcement that New Zealand will be withdrawing all troops from Iraq by June next year. Audio
Defence Force did not obey Rules of Engagement, Hager says
Investigative journalist Nicky Hager has told an inquiry the military breached the Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan.
A win for media and the public which came at a cost
The police apology to Nicky Hager has helped clarify - at last - important principles of journalistic privilege and protection for sources. But it’s the third time in recent years that state agencies… Audio
A win for media and the public which came at a cost
The police apology to Nicky Hager has helped clarify - at last - important principles of journalistic privilege and protection for sources. But it’s the third time in recent years that state agencies…
AudioHit & Run: claims and counterclaims
The PM says there is no basis for an inquiry into the deaths of civilians in Afghanistan, yet editorial opinion in the media overwhelmingly backs one. Has the meaning of book Hit & Run been obscured… Audio
Hit & Run: claims and counterclaims
The PM says there is no basis for an inquiry into the deaths of civilians in Afghanistan, yet editorial opinion in the media overwhelmingly backs one. Has the meaning of book Hit & Run been obscured…
Audio'Hit and Run' sparks headlines - and a backlash
News of another Nicky Hager book coming out in an election year became a big story, even before reporters knew what it was about. Mediawatch looks at how Hit and Run hit the headlines. Audio
'Hit and Run' sparks headlines - and a backlash
News of another Nicky Hager book coming out in an election year became a big story, even before reporters knew what it was about. Mediawatch looks at how Hit and Run hit the headlines.
AudioAfghan interpreters in NZ fear families could die without visas
Afghan interpreters in NZ fear family back in their home country are now suffering because of their involvement with the NZ Defence Force and they're now pleading with the Government to issue visas to… Audio