North Canterbury
Around the motu : David Hill in North Canterbury
David talks to Kathryn about the North Canterbury Mayors reaction to the Future of Local Government report, Rangiora High School's curriculum review and the Oxford Area School Observatory installing a… Audio
Property developer exploring mining possibilities at seaside beauty spot
A prominent 16ha block bordering the seaside settlement of Rapahoe and State Highway 6 could be subdivided into lifestyle-size residential blocks.
Woodend residents relieved to return home following bush fire evacuations
Residents are preparing to return home after a fire work sparked a major blaze in North Canterbury.
Proposed Maitai Valley housing development challenged in hearing
The hearing for the proposed private plan change to rezone 287 hectares in the Maitai Valley begun last week with the plan's applicant and the public delivering arguments for and against the plan.
Off the beaten track with Kennedy Warne
Kennedy mixes history and geography, with visits to three remote track destinations in Northland, Marlborough and North Canterbury. Audio, Gallery
Ash-Leigh Campbell: a rising star in dairy farming
In just a few years, the 30-year-old Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year has gone from interning to running the show at Ngāi Tahu Farming's huge Te Whenua Hou dairy development in North Canterbury… Audio
Ash-Leigh Campbell: a rising star in dairy farming
In just a few years, the 30-year-old Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year has gone from interning to running the show at Ngāi Tahu Farming's huge Te Whenua Hou dairy development in North Canterbury…
AudioSowing the Seeds for Sweeter Pastures
UK seed company Germinal has been supplying our farmers with clovers and grasses for the past 15 years. Dairy farmer and agronomist Sarah Gard is general manager of its New Zealand operations. The… Audio
Sowing the Seeds for Sweeter Pastures
UK seed company Germinal has been supplying our farmers with clovers and grasses for the past 15 years. Dairy farmer and agronomist Sarah Gard is general manager of its New Zealand operations. The…
AudioRe-homing retired racehorses
Jackie Law takes in unwanted pacers and trotters once they have finished their harness racing careers. So far she's rehomed more than 600. Most come from horse trainers who like to see them get a… Audio
Re-homing retired racehorses
Jackie Law takes in unwanted pacers and trotters once they have finished their harness racing careers. So far she's rehomed more than 600. Most come from horse trainers who like to see them get a…
Audio'Exceptional' rainfall in North Canterbury
Lynn Williams, who lives near Leithfield about 40 kilometres north of Christchurch, tells John Campbell she's measured around 80mm today. Video, Audio
Scientists probe fault for insight on future events
GNS scientists are poring over the freshly ruptured Kekerengu Fault, looking for evidence of previous quakes - and hoping to discover what it means for future events. Video, Audio
Meat Bryan Harris
A love of meat runs in the Harris family. The family opened its first butchery in Cheviot, North Canterbury 60 years ago. These days Harris Meats is an independent abattoir and meat processing… Audio
Meat Bryan Harris
A love of meat runs in the Harris family. The family opened its first butchery in Cheviot, North Canterbury 60 years ago. These days Harris Meats is an independent abattoir and meat processing…
AudioMaking Matches, Creating Careers
A Christchurch woman is hoping to provide better role models for her peers. Herstory is an online photographic project that showcases women in a variety of jobs. Now its founder has taken the idea… Audio
Govt to put $500,000 more into Canterbury irrigation
The government is to invest a further $500,000 into an irrigation scheme in North Canterbury.
Evacuated Pines Bush residents back in their homes
More fire crews will arrive at Pines Beach near Kaiapoi this morning to dampen down hot spots, following yesterday's forest fire. Audio
Terry King and the Anzac 100 Years 100 Horses Ride
Country musician, director and returned serviceman, Terry King from The Peaks in North Canterbury is organising a special Anzac day event called the Anzac 100 Years 100 Horses ride. Audio
Terry King and the Anzac 100 Years 100 Horses Ride
Country musician, director and returned serviceman, Terry King from The Peaks in North Canterbury is organising a special Anzac day event called the Anzac 100 Years 100 Horses ride.