Old Age
Positive ageing in fiction and in life
Not many people get to see the full gamut of the human experience as local GPs do. From cradle to the grave they hold our hands and listen to us. It's the listening that's especially important. Sydney… Audio
Our Changing World for 10 October 2019
A psychology professor talks about men getting older & why they become less able to recognise other's emotions, and the element rubidium. Audio
Forget me not: The tangles of new love when your partner has dementia
Insight - What if your beloved has dementia and doesn't know who you are anymore? Is it all right to start a new relationship with someone else? Teresa Cowie explores the tangle of emotions, family… Audio
Muscle wasting and 'skinny fat' in old age
Our muscles lose strength and mass as we age, and old age expert Debra Waters says we should do resistance training so we won't develop sarcopenia. Audio
Muscle wasting and 'skinny fat' in old age
Our muscles lose strength and mass as we age, and old age expert Debra Waters says we should do resistance training so we won't develop sarcopenia.
AudioOur Changing World for 6 December 2018
Resistance training is the best way to keep muscles strong as we age, and what place names tell us about plants and animals that used to be found there. Audio
Exercise the elixir of youth
Use it or lose it is the mantra when it comes to exercising into old age. It will help keep you physically younger. Audio
The Last of the Nazi Hunters
Nazi war criminals who fled Germany at the end of World War II are dying of old age and so are the men and women who hunted them across the generations. Former Newsweek foreign correspondent Andrew… Audio
Power of attorney law change doubles costs
The number of people naming an enduring power of attorney has dropped by a third over the last eight years, which the Law Society blames on changes to the law in 2007, which have more than doubled the… Audio
Homeless future for many elderly
A new report from the Salvation Army says many of us won't own anhome and won't be able to afford to pay rent in old age. Mayor Campbell Roberts joins the Panel. Audio
Longer lives, longer illnesses
New Zealanders are living longer, but spending more time battling illness.