Papua New Guinea
PNG govt told it must resolve land ownership issues on resource projects
The tribal violence emanating from resource projects won't end until the government steps in and resolves long standing legacy issues, a Papua New Guinea academic says.
What does special autonomy really mean in PNG?
Special autonomy as a form of decentralisation is a popular idea in certain provinces of PNG. But in Bougainville and East New Britain the term has very different meanings, writes James Stiefvater.
Drug smugglers from PNG sentenced in court
Four people connected with a so-called 'black-flight' from Papua New Guinea, intending to deliver a huge quantity of cocaine to Australia, have been sentenced in the National Court. Audio
PNG Court hands down severe sentences for drug smugglers
Four people connected with a so-called 'black-flight' from Papua New Guinea, intending to deliver a huge quantity of cocaine to Australia, have been sentenced in the National Court.
Return to normal maybe some time away at Kokoda
The Kokoda Trail, the route used by Australian troops in the Second World War in Papua New Guinea, and the site of many fierce battles, remains shut down by landowners.
PNG producer lobbying to get more out of kava
Ocean Kava Limited managing director Bilaki Enape Waizepa said currently PNG can only send roots to Fiji, but not the finished product. Audio
Bougainville's new independence push brings in Kiwi mediator
The Detail - Sir Don McKinnon on New Zealand's key role in bringing peace to Bougainville over the past 30 years.
NZ's role in a tricky Pacific peace
Sir Don McKinnon on New Zealand's key role in bringing peace to Bougainville over the last 30 years. Audio
Big changes sought in wake of Porgera violence
Warring clan leaders in Papua New Guinea's Enga province have agreed to peace talks after chronic tribal revenge killings among local terrorists with military-style weapons.
Rabaul locals recall volcanic eruptions 30 years on
19 September marks 30 years since the twin volcanic eruptions decimated the beautiful seaside town of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea's East New Britain. Audio
PNG push for more grace periods to avoid no confidence vote
There are concerns in PNG at the distracting impact of endless votes of no confidence, or the threats of them, and the James Marape Government wants to do something about it. Audio
30th anniversary of the twin eruptions of Rabaul
Today is the 30th Anniversary of the two eruptions of Vulcan and Tavurvur in Rabaul, East New Britain.
Hikers face being stranded on Kokoda Track as landowners form blockade
Authorities in Papua New Guinea have closed the route, with traditional owners claiming they're owed millions in compensation from the government.
PNG Government looks to extending grace periods
The Papua New Guinea parliament is considering legislation that would ensure a grace period after an unsuccessful vote of no confidence. Audio
PNG Kava market injects jobs into stifling unemployment
A PNG Kava supplier is lobbying for Fiji's goverment to change its Kava import laws. Audio
The long hard task of fixing PNG's broken cycle of justice
Limited troop numbers and the lack of arrests in trouble spots around the country has created an environment of public distrust towards law enforcement arms of government, writes Scott Waide.