Pest Control
Huge restoration project planned for three of NZ's largest islands
21 Feb 2025
The $202 million project would rewild Rakiura-Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands and the Auckland Island.
NZ innovators using AI traps in fight against pests
31 Jan 2025
Artificial intelligence is making conservation efforts faster and easier in the fight for total pest eradication, with new traps able to tell predator from protected species.
Growers confident fruit fly can be eradicated
7 Jan 2025
The Horticulture Industry is concerned about the discovery of a single oriental fruit fly - but is confident MPI will eradicate any further incursion.
Battle to kill toxic species begins
6 Nov 2024
A toxic plant that can temporarily cause blindness and quickly invade coastal areas has been found in large numbers established on a remote beach.
Bumper year for pōhutukawa: What you need to know
24 Dec 2023
Explainer - No, you're not imagining things. The pōhutukawa really are bigger and brighter this year. RNZ asks an expert what's going on.