Govt reveals plan to replace Resource Management Act
It's the law that governs almost everything about New Zealand's land, air, and water management - the government's finally revealed its plans to replace the behemoth that is the Resource Management… Audio
The House drops into first gear on RMA
This week the Government added a morning sitting of the House to ‘get stuck into’ completing debate on RMA reform. The Opposition just aimed for ‘stuck’. Audio
RMA one step closer to being scrapped, replaced
The Resource Management Act is one step closer to the scrap heap.
The government is repealing the regulatory quagmire and replacing it with three proposed laws, two of which have been introduced to… Audio
Exposure Draft: a public brainstorm on RMA replacement
Unusually, Parliament has sent a draft bill to select committee for public feedback with a general call for ideas on improving consents. Audio
Dams half full: Watercare's new boss on Auckland's water woes
Auckland's dams are about to dip under half-way again, with dry skies forecast through to next week. They're a long way from the historical average for this time of year of 76 per cent and inching… Audio
RMA replaced: what's proposed by the three new Acts?
Bill McKay joins Kathryn to look at what the Resource Management Act will be replaced with, and the new approach being taken. It follow's Bill's previous chat on Nine to Noon which looked at what is… Audio
The future of planning - reforming the RMA
After 30 years the Resource Management Act - the unwieldy, development-stopping, strangely inadequate environmental legislation - is being reformed. Audio
Protecting provincial food producing land vital
Pressure is on many provincial towns as population growth sparks new housing developments which eat into prime food producing land. Horticulture New Zealand says it's vital to have protections for… Audio
RMA shakeup: Impact on building industry
Bill McKay, who teaches at Auckland University's School of Architecture and Planning, shares his thoughts on the RMA shakeup. Audio
Infrastructure NZ worries RMA changes could complicate matter
Infrastructure New Zealand is concerned the Resource Management Act reforms planned by the Government could complicate the planning process for some projects.
Yesterday the Environment Minister… Audio
Govt to ditch RMA, replace with 3 Acts
The government will scrap the Resource Management Act and replace it with three new pieces of legislation. Audio
RMA to be replaced by three new laws
It's been announced the Resource Management act is going to be scrapped and replaced with three new laws. Jesse speaks to Dr Bryce Wilkinson from the New Zealand Initiative about why it had to change.
…Labour scraps RMA
The government will scrap the Resource Management Act and replace it with three new pieces of legislation.
Environment Minister, David Parker, ordered a review last term saying the 30-year-old law… Audio
Should the government dictate how we grow?
One of the key factors blamed for the runaway housing market is a shortage of supply, which is in turn, blamed, largely on red tape and outdated planning laws. Audio
RMA expert on what is working well
Former RMA hearings commissioner David Collins says 'don't throw the baby out with the bathwater'. Audio
The Weekend Panel with Jane Clifton & Richard Harman
Our Sunday Morning panellists offer their thoughts on the past week's news. They'll be discussing Covid-19 testing, the latest political polls and rumblings, personal photos being made public, and… Audio
Why "shovel-ready" not good enough on its own
Will a revamped RMA provide the necessary checks and balances needed for a post covid economic recovery that doesn't harm the environment ? Newly announced changes to the Resource Management Act would… Audio
Changes to RMA mooted to speed up infrastructure projects
Changes to allow fast tracked consent under the RMA designed to help deliver infrastructure more quickly. Infrastructure CEO Paul Blair talks about the significance of the change. Audio
Government looking to revamp RMA
The government is taking on the titanic task of revamping the Resource Management Act - one of New Zealand's most convulted, sprawling, but important pieces of legislation. Dr Cathy Strong from Massey… Audio
Nicky Snoyink: RMA reforms welcomed by Forest and Bird
The Resource Management Act overhaul announced by the government today has been welcomed by Forest and Bird. The environmental lobby group says the 30 year old law was well intended but has failed in… Audio