Rajorshi Chakraborti
Amazon rainforest fires
Fires are currently ravaging the Amazon rainforest - one of the most important parts of the planet, in terms of its remarkable biodiversity and the huge amount of oxygen the trees there produce . Audio
Revisiting the debate around farming and technology
Yesterday economist Peter Fraser spoke to the panel about his belief that technology may not be the silver bullet farmers hope it is in terms of lowering New Zealand's emissions. Today Federated… Audio
Question of the day for 23 August 2019
Give us a few lines of your favourite poem. Audio
Are community board an endangered species?
Some community boards are bordering on the edge of the abyss, with so few nominees they can't even hold elections. Audio
Are parliament's viewing rules too strict?
A group of students have been banned from Parliament for a year, after singing a waiata in the public gallery in support of the Ihumatao hikoi. Parliamentary law expert Graeme Edgeler joins the panel… Audio
More funding to improve adult literacy
The government has allocated $14.5 million for improving adult literacy and numeracy. Jason Totton from Literacy Aotearoa joins us to talk about what this means. Audio
The Panel with Rajorshi Chakraborti and Nicky Pellegrino (PT2)
Give us a few lines of your favourite poem. Yesterday economist Peter Fraser spoke to the panel about his belief that technology may not be the silver bullet farmers hope it is in terms of lowering… Audio
The Panel with Rajorshi Chakraborti and Nicky Pellegrino (Pt 1)
The government has allocated $14.5 million for improving adult literacy and numeracy. Jason Totton from Literacy Aotearoa joins us to talk about what this means. A group of students have been banned… Audio
I've been thinking for 23 August 2019
What the Panellists Rajorshi Chakraborti and Nicky Pellegrino have been thinking about. Audio
The Cricket World Cup Final
The ecstasy and agony of sport were on show this morning, as the Black Caps and England played out one of the greatest cricket matches in memory. Audio
3MM: Rajorshi Chakraborti on the Cricket World Cup final
Rajorshi Chakraborti has drawn a parallel between the Black Caps' progression in 2019 and that of Pakistan at the 1992 CWC, which could ultimately see Kane Williamson become NZ Prime Minister... Audio
Housework: there's an app for that
Labour of Love is the name of a new app to help men appreciate the unsung work that their female partners do. It was the idea of a couple who were both busy with their careers and family duties, and… Audio
Just don't do it
We're all being encouraged to take a leaf out of the Netherland's book, and niksen. Just do nothing. Audio
Accepted Scrabble words gets an update
Scrabble has accepted 2,862 new words. Youth culture slang phrases have been added in the first update since 2015. These include sharenting, blud and bae. Others such as incel, antivaxxer and fatberg… Audio
Question of the Day for 3 May 2019
Have you been hurt in a bike accident? Tell us about it. A trauma study in the New Zealand Medical Journal has found that bike accidents resulted in nearly 1000 people sent to hospital around the… Audio
Consuming food past its use-by
More business that sell out-of-date stock are springing up online and as bricks and mortar outlets. Love Food Hate Waste reports that New Zealanders throw away 157,389 tonnes of food every year. Are… Audio
$95 million dollar boost in teacher training
The Government has announced a $95 million dollar boost in spending on teacher training over the next 4 years. The teacher shortage has seen the Government bring in 354 teachers from overseas. Andrea… Audio
Being Māori enough
A spat has broken out between the Labour MP Willie Jackson and National's Paula Bennett. In Parliament, Mr Jackson pretty much said that Mrs Bennett isn't Māori enough. He said she doesn't know if… Audio
Changes to welfare system not "fit for purpose"
The Government is to scrap a benefit sanction that saw solo mothers penalised by up to $28 a week if they didn't name the father of their child. Removing the sanction will cost $113.4 million over… Audio