Rajorshi Chakraborti
The Panel with Rajorshi Chakraborti & Deborah Hart (Part 2)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman is joined by panellists Rajorshi Chakraborti & Deborah Hart. They discuss "woke" bank lending and Napier City Council's proposal to close the local library.
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The Panel with Rajorshi Chakraborti & Deborah Hart (Part 1)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman is joined by panellists Rajorshi Chakraborti & Deborah Hart. They discuss Andrew Bayly stepping down, Chinese warships in the Tasman Sea and whether retailers… Audio
The Panel with Jennie Moreton & Rajorshi Chakraborti (Part 2)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman and panellists Jennie Moreton & Rajorshi Chakraborti discuss plans to ban driving on the beach, and the health benefits of living with a cat. Plus - is it ok to… Audio
"The air was full of hate" Shane Te Pou reports from Donald Trumps' MSG rally
Regular panelist & former Labour Party activist Shane Te Pou attended Donald Trumps Madison Square Gardens rally. He shares his experience: "It was for many the coming of the Messian. People were on… Audio
The Panel with Jennie Moreton & Rajorshi Chakraborti (Part 1)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman and panellists Jennie Moreton & Rajorshi Chakraborti discuss Donald Trump's MSG rally. Plus, police plans to stop attending low risk mental health call-outs from… Audio
The Panel with Professor Ella and Rajorshi (Part 1)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace and panellists Professor Ella Henry and Rajorshi Chakraborti reflect on the Christchurch terror attacks on the fifth anniversary, and if the Arms Act needs rewriting… Audio
The Panel with Professor Ella and Rajorshi (Part 2)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace and panellists Professor Ella Henry and Rajorshi Chakraborti discuss the future of Petone wharf and new technology that just might save it. Audio
Rajorshi Chakraborti brings Diwali celebrations to Nights
Today is a big day for many from the Indian subcontinent as it marks the beginning of this year's five-day Diwali festivities.
The Hindu celebration is a festival of lights with roots in an ancient… Audio
The Panel with Sally Wenley and Rajorshi Chakraborti (part 2)
Today on the second half of The Panel, Wallace and panellists Sally Wenley and Rajorshi Chakraborti discuss absences in school soaring, which is connected to economic impact on families. Plus, they… Audio
The Panel with Sally Wenley and Rajorshi Chakraborti (part 1)
Today on The Panel, Wallace and panellists Sally Wenley and Rajorshi Chakraborti discuss the flight delays and thousands of people stranded around New Zealand due to cancelled flights. Plus, they… Audio
The Pre-Panel with Sally Wenley and Rajorshi Chakraborti
Wallace and panellists Sally Wenley and Rajorshi Chakraborti discuss the latest media conference with Rugby NZ and the surprising no change to coach and captaincy. Plus, the panellists tell us what… Audio
The Pre-Panel with Alexia Russell and Rajorshi Chakraborti
Panellists Alexia Russell and Rajorshi Chakraborti share what they have been thinking and Wallace shares feedback from the week. Audio
Nelson Arts Festival forges ahead online
Writing Home: An Antidote to Feeling Stranded is a collection of videos the Nelson Arts Festival has commissioned from Kiwi writers living here and overseas. Paula Morris speaks about the experience… Audio
The Panel: Nicky Pellegrino and Rajorshi Chakraborti (Part 2)
Panellists Nicky Pellegrino and Rajorshi Chakraborti discuss migrant labour in the hospitality industry, romance scams with private investigator Julia Hartley Moore, and a University of Auckland study… Audio
The Panel: Nicky Pellegrino and Rajorshi Chakraborti (Part 1)
Rajorshi Chakraborti discuss the Olympics and swimmer Erika Fairweather, housing auctions, and the Government accepting the return of an alleged ISIS terrorist. Audio
The Pre-Panel with Nicky Pellegrino and Rajorshi Chakraborti
Panellists Nicky Pellegrino and Rajorshi Chakraborti share what they've been thinking about, and Robert Kelly has some sleep advice for everyone. Audio
Public urged to call out racial abuse
Two reports of racial abuse in Auckland's Devonport have made headlines in the past two days and the public is being urged to call such behaviour out. Audio
Today in music history
On this day in 1983, Karen Carpenter - American singer and drummer - died of cardiac arrest at her parent's house in California. Audio
The Panel with Livia Esterhazy and Raj Chakraborti (Part 2)
Infometrics economist Brad Olsen joins The Panel to discuss the latest unemployment numbers and why some sectors are still doing well despite the pandemic. It's that time of the year when parents and… Audio
The Panel with Livia Esterhazy and Raj Chakraborti (Part 1)
Livia Esterhazy and Raj Chakraborti join Wallace to talk about Aotearoa history in schools, a new Matariki public holiday and whether crocs are cool again. Audio