Rick Shera
The future of New Zealanders' genetic data held by 23andMe
One of the world's most popular genetic sequencing companies, 23andMe, is on the brink of bankruptcy. It holds the genetic data of more than 15 million customers - including New Zealanders. Audio
Does social media reform have the law on its side?
Some pundits predict the “Christchurch call to action" and the PM's upcoming social media summit in Paris won’t move US-based tech companies. They've always resisted regulation and can fall b ack on… Video, Audio
Who won an Olympic clash in court?
A wrangle over the right to run online video played out in court recently, while the Olympic Games played out in Rio. Has the outcome settled the question of who can show what without breaking the… Video, Audio
TPP and copyright concerns for the media
Among the many concerns about the TPP raised this past week was copyright. But while the media focused on the income from Lorde's albums and Audio
New agency to dela with online threats as attacks grow
A new central agency to combat cyber crime is being described as a huge change in the way this country deals with online threats. Audio
Data retention laws launched in Australia
New laws requiring Australian telcos to store information about their customers email, land-line, mobile and internet use come into effect today. The Mandatory Data Retention Regime requires the time… Audio
Media freedom fears under new cyberbullying law
If they're not actually victimising people online, why should they worry? Should the new Harmful Digital Communications Act prompt a rethink of how news media exploit social media for stories… Audio
Kim Dotcom's new data-sharing website, Mega
With Rick Shera - NZ copyright lawyer, who is advising on the Mega launch and Mitch Stoltz - Attorney at the digital rights group, Electronic Frontier Foundation. Audio
First action against three people under anti-piracy law
The Copyright Tribunal is for the first time going after three people accused of music piracy. Audio
Dotcom lawyers say FBI has taken evidence without permission
Internet law expert Rick Shera discusses the FBI taking evidence from the Kim Dotcom case. Audio
Dotcom case seizes attention of lawyers worldwide
An Auckland lawyer who specialises in internet law says it could take years for there to be an outcome to the legal action against Kim Dotcom. Audio
The Koha trademark controversy
With Rick Shera - a partner at Lowndes Jordan law firm. Audio
Proposed trans-Pacific trade deal raises copyright concerns
With Rick Shera, a partner at Lowndes Jordan, where he heads their intellectual property team. He's calling on the NZ government to make public the details of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement… Audio