US report considers possibility of Australia nuclear submarine accident
A report to the US Congress discusses the possibility of an accident with a nuclear-powered submarine if it supplies one to Australia.
Pilot first alerted authorities about live fire from Chinese ships
Aviation officials have revealed they first learnt of a potential Chinese "live fire" military exercise in the Tasman Sea last week after a Virgin Airlines pilot relayed warnings he had picked up…
Government mulling 'special economic zones' for fuel, Shane Jones says
Energy precincts or special economic zones could be used to strengthen New Zealand's fuel and energy security.
Pilots diverted over reported Chinese military vessel drills in Tasman Sea
Unexpected Chinese naval activities in the Tasman Sea that forced commercial airlines to divert from possible live fire exercises, have sent top New Zealand and Australian politicians seeking answers…
Defence budget comes under scrutiny
Our cash-strapped, underfunded, overspent defence force is in line for a budget boost, and experts say it can't come soon enough.
Facial recognition used on students, NZ university confirms
A New Zealand university is using facial recognition on students at one of its overseas campuses in China.
Is time up for world's most powerful spying group?
Questions are being raised about the lifespan of the Five Eyes, now Donald Trump is at the presidential helm of the United States? Audio
Thailand cuts power to giant scam site operations in Myanmar
Thailand has cut electricity supplies to areas in Myanmar home to internet sites that are part of a global, billion-dollar scam industry.
How a Kiwi app is fighting crime, and fuelling fears of surveillance
When Golriz Ghahraman hit the headlines again this year, another name popped up with the story.
How secure is New Zealand against quantum computing?
Financial institutions say they are working on the cybersecurity threats posed by quantum computing - including the potential to break common encryption systems which use passwords to protect data and…
US officials demand explanation on mysterious drones
Drones have been spotted for weeks over residential neighbourhoods in NYC, as well as restricted sites and critical infrastructure.
Is your toaster spying on you?
When buying a new appliance, should we consider that it could be reporting on us and recording us? Many of our appliances have this capability now. Audio
Planned extremist security alert system scrapped despite police warnings
Police warned their minister that ditching an extremist alert system risked leaving them and security agencies unable to prevent a terrorist act. Audio
NZ in talks on what data it will share with partners about criminals - including NZers
The discussions on what information NZ will exchange with international partners about criminals - include if its own citizens' data could be shared.
Industry, academics not yet consulted on AUKUS II
Defence officials say they have not consulted with industry and academics about participating in AUKUS Pillar Two.
Chinese Embassy rejects SIS report on interference
The embassy denies China is a competitor or a threat to New Zealand.
NZDF say 'kill web' not a term they use for exercises
The Defence Force says it does not use the term "kill web" regarding high-tech military exercises, but is preparing to be more combat ready for the "battlefields of the future".
Documents reveal timeline of NZ position on AUKUS Pillar Two
A series of discussions about the AUKUS security pact between New Zealand and Australian officials has been revealed in newly released documents.
Govt agencies slow to take up facial recognition contract
A deal to allow public agencies to more easily use facial recognition technology has had zero uptake.
Police look to expand fingerprinting system
After being forced to destroy thousands of fingerprint records, police are looking for a way to capture 600,000 crime-scene print images and 50,000 from arrests. Audio