Silver Lake
The week in Detail: Nurses, rugby, and HIV on the decline
The Detail brings you the issues that matter every weekday. Here’s what we covered this week. Audio
The week in Detail: Nurses, rugby, and HIV on the decline
The Detail brings you the issues that matter every weekday. Here’s what we covered this week.
AudioDone deal: Why has NZ Rugby teamed up with Silver Lake?
What does New Zealand Rugby's deal with Silver Lake actually mean for the game? The Detail finds out. Audio
Done deal: Why has NZ Rugby teamed up with Silver Lake?
What does New Zealand Rugby's deal with Silver Lake actually mean for the game? The Detail finds out.
AudioKevin Day: 'Football fans feel they've lost the game'
Comedian Kevin Day is a staunch fan of Crystal Palace football club and self-described hopeless football romantic. He is also the co-host of The Price of Football podcast which digs into the influence… Audio
NZ Rugby, Players Association agree on Silver Lake deal
After a year a half of at times bitter wrangling New Zealand Rugby has finally got its much sought after deal with US private equity firm Silver Lake.
The deal will see Silver Lake invest $200… Audio
$200m Silverlake/NZR deal
New Zealand Rugby has announced the US equity firm Silver Lake is to invest $200 million in a new commercial entity that will control all revenue-generating assets of New Zealand Rugby. The agreement… Audio
NZ Rugby agrees to look at Forsyth Barr proposal
NZ Rugby says it's prepared to look at an alternative proposal for a public float of part of its commercial revenues that's been put forward by Forsyth Barr. Audio
NZR accuses Players Association over Forsyth Barr offer
New Zealand Rugby is accusing the Players Association of trying to sabotage its deal with US private equity firm Silverlake.
A Players Association proposal, put together by investment firm Forsyth… Audio
The Weekend Panel with Josie Pagani and Louis Houlbrooke
On the Panel this morning are Josie Pagaini and Louis Houlbrooke. They look at guns, how much exercise we're getting, the success of the vaccine rollout in New Zealand, housing policy changes, and the… Audio
Silver Lake deal could bring debt - Rugby Players Association
The Rugby Players Association has labelled the $387 million Silver Lake proposal a "bad deal" which it thinks could send New Zealand Rugby deep into the red in the years to come.
The provincial… Video, Audio
NZ Rugby accuses Players' Association of misrepresentation
New Zealand Rugby is accusing the Players' Association of misrepresenting the reasons for their opposition to the Silver Lake deal.
NZ Rugby: Why it has the backing of the provincial unions
Provincial rugby unions gave their blessing yesterday to a controversial deal to allow a private equity firm to buy into New Zealand Rugby. The deal would allow global technology investment firm… Audio
NZ rugby and big money
Why would a massive international investment firm want a stake in New Zealand's national game? And what could change if a deal with Silver Lake goes ahead? Audio
NZ rugby and big money
Why would a massive international investment firm want a stake in New Zealand's national game? And what could change if a deal with Silver Lake goes ahead?