Tenancy Tribunal
Fight to evict squatter costs couple $16,000
A couple who bought a new home are warning others of the potential pitfalls of mortgagee sales, after struggling to get the former owner to leave.
Difficult tenant warned she may not get name suppression again
A tenant who abused her landlords and attacked their marriage has been warned she will not get name suppression again in similar circumstances.
Why politics matter in the clash between landlords and tenants
There are horror stories on both sides of the landlord/tenant divide, but how do the laws of the country ensure a fair balance between the rights of both? Audio
Dozens of insulation complaints in first week of law
The government has received 40 complaints of landlords breaching the requirement to insulate their rental properties in the first week of the new law.
Swamp house landlord given 10 days to fix house
Auckland Council has given the owner of a "third world swamp house" 10 days to fix the issues or face a fine of up to $200,000. Zac Fleming reports. Video, Audio
Diplomat pleads diplomatic immunity over tenancy dispute
A European diplomat is arguing she's covered by diplomatic immunity and wants a Tenancy Tribunal case thrown out against her. Eva Tvarozkova represented the European Union in New Zealand and leased a… Audio
Diplomat pleads diplomatic immunity over tenancy dispute
A diplomat is arguing she's covered by diplomatic immunity and wants a Tenancy Tribunal case thrown out against her.
Landlord relieved after court rules against tenant
A decision by a Dunedin District Court may prove to be a game changer for landlords.
New tenets for tenants
The rights and obligations of both tenants and landlords are changing, and both groups are being asked for feedback. Audio
Akld social worker warns more dodgy landlords out there
A Manurewa social worker says substandard rental homes are a fact of life for many people in the wake of an Auckland landlord's prosecution for renting out an unconsented garage. Audio
Tenancy ruling against Airbnb
The Tenancy Tribunal has made its first ruling on an Airbnb case, and it's ruled in favour of the landlord. The tribunal has ruled that sub-letting a rental property on the online accommodation… Audio
Govt to change rule on tenant damage liability
The government is considering legislating to overturn a court ruling that makes landlords liable for accidental damage by tenants.
Govt told to close the gap for tenants living in sub-par homes
While affordable housing is fast becoming a hot political issue, Otago University is urging the Government not to forget the lot of the country's increasing number of renters. Audio