Tianyi Lu
PROKOFIEV: Symphony No 5 in B-flat Op 100
NZSO National Youth Orchestra/Tianyi Lu
Recorded in Wellington's Michael Fowler Centre, 5 July, 2024 Audio
KHACHATURIAN: Piano Concerto in D-flat
Shan Liu (piano), NZSO National Youth Orchestra/Tianyi Lu
Recorded in Wellington's Michael Fowler Centre, 5 July, 2024 Audio
LEOV, Jessie: Speculations on a Rainbow
2024 NZSO National Youth Orchestra recorded in Wellington's Michael Fowler Centre, 5 July, 2024 Audio
NZSO National Youth Orchestra 2024
The 2024 NZSO National Youth Orchestra perform at Wellington's Michael Fowler Centre, conducted by Tianyi Lu Audio
Tianyi Lu on resilience and radical compassion
New Zealand conductor Tianyi Lu is back in Aotearoa to direct the National Youth Orchestra, ahead of making her BBC Proms debut next month. Audio
They're dancing to our music here
They met at Auckland Univesity, before heading off to opposite ends of the planet. Now composer Celeste Oram and conductor Tianyi Lu are collaborating on a new ballet in Switzerland. Video, Audio
New Zealand conductor wins the first conducting competition she enters
Former Aucklander Tianyi Lu who has won the 2020 Premio Cantelli International Conducting Competition in Italy.
Tianyi cut her teeth as a young conductor working with the Auckland Philharmonia… Audio
Alex TAYLOR: Four Abstracts
Tianyi Lu (flute), Finn Schofield (clarinet), Henry Swanson (horn), Alex MacDonald (viola) and Cameron Stuart (cello). Recorded by RNZ Concert, 20 September 2009 Audio
In-demand Kiwi conductor Tianyi Lu brings the music to life
Vulnerability, accessibility and psychology is what drives Kiwi conductor Tianyi Lu who is home to conduct the APO. Video, Audio
Jennifer HIGDON: Skyline, from City Scape
Performed by the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Tianyi Lu, at its concert "A Women's Place", Auckland Town Hall, 29 November 2018. Audio
Salina FISHER: Rainphase
Performed by the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Tianyi Lu, at its concert "A Women's Place", Auckland Town Hall, 29 November 2018. Video, Audio
Claire COWAN: Stark: Violin Concerto (1st movement)
Performed by violinist Amalia Hall with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Tianyi Lu, at the orchestra's concert "A Women's Place", Auckland Town Hall, 29 November 2018. Video, Audio
Hollie FULLBROOK: Three Songs
Performed by Hollie Fullbrook of Tiny Ruins with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Tianyi Lu, at the orchestra's concert "A Women's Place", Auckland Town Hall, 29 November 2018. Audio
Clara SCHUMANN: Piano Concerto in A minor Op 7
Performed by Modi Deng with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Tianyi Lu, at the orchestra's concert "A Women's Place", Auckland Town Hall, 29 November 2018. Audio
Ethel SMYTH: Overture to "The Boatswain's Mate"
Performed by the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Tianyi Lu, at its concert "A Women's Place", Auckland Town Hall, 29 November 2018. Audio
A Woman's Place: complete concert
A special concert mounted by the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra to celebrate 125 years of women's suffrage in Aotearoa New Zealand, Auckland Town Hall, 29 November 2018. Audio
Conductor Tianyi Lu and the APO's Frances Moore discuss gender equality in music
125 years after women’s suffrage in Aotearoa why does it still take a special occasion to have female composers works heard? Young New Zealand conductor Tianyi Lu and the APO's Artistic… Audio
Breaking the conducting glass ceiling
Young New Zealand conductor Tianyi Lu is back home after scoring a job in the UK. She talks about the changing attitude regarding female conductors and says there’s a real sense of possibility now… Audio
Tianyi Lu
Auckland based NZ conductor and composer speaks about her experiences at the Symphony Services International Conductors workshop. Audio
Making Maestros - Day Two
The five participants move onto Day 2 of sessions, in which they conduct a small group of NZSO players and each other: Raymond plays cello, Brent plays timpani, Nicholas plays viola, Justus plays… Audio