Northland power outage caused by pylon avoidable - report
A massive Northland power outage caused by a toppling Transpower pylon was entirely avoidable and a senior engineer had raised concerns about maintenance crew training two years earlier. This is… Audio
Transpower was warned crews needed more training before outage
Entirely avoidable, this is the conclusion of a report into a collapsed pylon that cut power to thousands of Northland businesses causing economic losses of up to 80 million dollars. The much… Audio
Transpower eases generators' water take amid power crunch
Transpower has announced this morning it will allow generators to take more water from hydro lakes to help with the electricity crunch. Audio
Transpower tower topple: Who should pay for cost losses?
Ahead of the expected release of an independent report into what caused Transpower's transmission tower to fall north of Auckland in June, the issue of compensation is very much still live. Audio
'A pylon should not just fall down': Energy Minister
A re-jigged grid means most of Northland has power back but the system is fragile with the risk of demand outstripping supply. Northland Chamber of Commerce chief executive Darryn Fisher joins Lisa… Audio
Investigations underway after pylon falls over causing outages
Multiple investigations are underway after a pylon toppled over cutting off power to most of Northland yesterday. The pylon ended up on its side in farmland in Glorit north of Auckland. At this stage… Audio
Octopus Energy wants to pay consumers to turn the power down
Every winter New Zealand's energy system faces a tricky balance - the system operator Transpower struggles to make sure it has enough electricity. Audio
Risk of more power cuts in Northland
Transpower is warning of an increased risk of power cuts in Northland as it does emergency work on high voltage lines that are threatened by a major slip. Kathryn speaks to Transpower's General… Audio
Investigation underway into power cable fault
A fault on one of the two power cables linking the north and south islands this morning lead to a warning of possible powercuts by the grid operator Transpower. Kathryn speaks with Chief Executive… Audio
Soaring energy demands: What is the master plan?
Our national power grid is aging, yet we're needing more and more power. Is it up to the job? What are the solutions? Audio
Transpower responsible for unnecessary August power cuts - Electricty Authority
The Electricity Authority has confirmed Transpower is responsible for unnecessary power cuts to 34,000 consumers on one of the coldest nights of the year.
Coromandel power cut caused by piece of plastic
The lights were out far and wide in the Thames-Coromandel district, and even part of the Hauraki district for several hours today, costing some businesses big time.
All because a chunk of wayward… Video, Audio
Cold fury: North Island residents express anger after power cuts
Residents plunged into darkness last night when power generators were deliberately shut to manage record electricity demand have expressed anger and surprise at the decision.
'No system is perfect' - Transpower explains power outages
Transpower has apologised over the electricity outages. The company's general manager of grid development John Clarke told Checkpoint no system is perfect, but he is assuring customers electricity… Video, Audio
Low hydro lakes point to a developing power crisis
The country's biggest power user Tiwai Point aluminium smelter has agreed to cut its electricity usage as the industry faces a developing power crisis. Below average rainfall is putting pressure on… Audio
Regulator reins in electricity sector prices
The national grid operator, Transpower, and regional lines companies have had their earnings wings clipped by the industry's regulator. Audio
Power outage affects thousands of Wellingtonians
A power outage has affected thousands of Wellingtonians this afternoon. Audio
The future of the electric grid in a carbon-free future
Transpower is preparing for major changes in the energy sector, from growing demand for renewable sources, to more households going off grid. Its latest report on the country's energy future - Te… Audio
Removal of power pylons could boost NP suburb
Homeowners in a New Plymouth suburb hope for a spike in property prices when power pylons that once serviced a now defunct power station are finally removed.
Mystery power price surge hits North Island
A huge surge in the price of electricity this morning follows similar problems seven weeks ago.