WCPFC progress on labour rules, electronic monitoring, but ignores transshipment
The 26-member Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission reached some momentous decisions at its recent annual conference in Suva, Pew Charitable Trust says.
WCPFC makes commitments on crew conditions and electronic monitoring
The Commission agreed to implement measures aimed at ensuring fair pay, safe and decent working conditions, and protections against forced labour and other abuses.
Seabird bycatch and labour standards on WCPFC agenda
The WCPFC brings together Pacific Island states and the distant-water fishing nations to discuss the welfare or otherwise of fish stocks, particularly the various tuna species, in the region.
Non-profit wants to see action on electronic monitoring at Pacific Tuna Commission meeting
The Pew Charitable Trusts wants to see action on electronic monitoring at Pacific Tuna Commission meeting in Fiji.
New Zealand unwilling to raise observer issue at fisheries summit
The international NGO, Accountability.Fish, wants observers at key meetings to end decision-making behind closed doors and improve transparency and accountability.
Call for moratorium on Pacific bluefin fishing
There is a call before this week's meeting in Nadi of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission for a two year ban on fishing for bluefin tuna. Audio
Tuna commission urges focus on sustainability
The Tuna Commission is urging its members to focus on managing fish stocks instead of short-term financial gains.