Wellington Cbd
Wellington businesses stuggling with few customers
Wellington businesses say high rent prices, expensive groceries and cark park prices have sucked the life out of the CBD, leaving business struggling with few customers. Post COVID, they said the vibe… Audio
Wellington’s little blue penguins capture world’s attention
Little blue penguins which ignored police orders to return to a sushi shop outside Wellington Railway Station caught the attention of DOC, police, passers-by, journalists and international media. Video, Audio
Wellington residents urge parking fee hike backdown
People living on the fringe of Wellington's CBD are urging the council to dial back a planned parking fee hike, with some saying it will make them think twice about using their car. But as Michael… Video, Audio
Te Auaha – Creativity in Wellington
The brand spanking new Te Auaha New Zealand Institute of Creativity in Wellington is all on track to open. Audio
America's Cup tours the Capital
Thousands of people turned out to a victory parade that snaked between Parliament and Civic Square today. Video, Audio
Max Towle's tiki tour of Wellington's shaken-up buildings
RNZ reporter Max Towle heads out to Wellington's streets, to find out what is, and isn't, open in the capital's central business district. Video, Audio