The ancient artefacts that still baffle archaeologists
Archeologists are in the business of understanding the past, by observing, recording, and interpreting objects and items from history. Audio
Ngā kura huna - on a path to hidden treasure at Opepe
Push your way through a tangle of bush only kilometres from the Napier-Taupō highway and you are on an ancient pa site. Tangata whenua sheltered here hundreds of years ago but this site is known to… Video, Audio
Egypt: Gold-covered mummy among latest discoveries
Archaeologists say they have found a gold leaf-covered mummy sealed inside a sarcophagus that had not been opened for 4300 years.
The undeniable (and underrecognised) genius of the Calusa
The University of Georgia's Victor Thompson is the lead author of a just-published study shedding light on just how the Calusa, a Native American people of Florida's southwest coast, outlived so many… Audio
The first glance
A story of a community taking the lead to investigate their own history. Near the small fishing village of Moeraki, whānau members are doing the work of excavating, sorting, and identifying artifacts… Audio
Our Changing World - Community led archaeology
A story about a community taking the lead to research their own history. Audio
Using chemistry to uncover the past
Chemical isotope analysis is a powerful technique - Dr. Charlotte King explains to Claire how she uses it to reconstruct past lives of forgotten people from the Otago gold rush. Audio
Well-preserved ancient slave room unearthed in Pompeii
Archaeologists have discovered a room of objects among the buried remains of ancient Pompeii, and say its contents shed light on the lives of slaves.
Māori stone artefact digital repository
A high tech project is underway to shed light on thousands of Māori stone artefacts, so they can be preserved for future generations. Funded by the MBIE, it involves archaeologists, bioengineers and… Audio
China's oldest currency discovered
Anthropologist Bill Maurer explains the significant of the recent discovery of the oldest known Chinese metal currency unearthed at the site of a foundary in the ancient city of Guanzhuang which was… Audio
Neanderthal remains unearthed in Italian cave
Archaeologists in Italy have discovered the remains of nine Neanderthals who may have been hunted by hyenas, in a prehistoric cave south-east of Rome.
Egypt mummies pass through Cairo in ancient rulers' parade
Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country's ancient rulers through the capital, Cairo.
A sod house mystery on Motu Ihupuku
The southernmost island of Aotearoa has a twisted history that is literally clouded in mist. Historian and conservationist Norm Judd has been looking at the history of Motu Ihupuku, or Campbell… Audio, Gallery
Ask the archaeologist: Brigid Gallagher
This week's expert is archaeologist Brigid Gallagher who is a Heritage Conservation Specialist based at Waihi Beach. She talks to Jesse today about the importance of archaeology in the modern world… Audio
Many early big-game hunters of the Americas were female - study
The Man-the-Hunter hypothesis looks to have been well and truly debunked, with research suggesting the early big-game hunters of the Americas were female. Dr Randy Haas joins the show to discuss his… Audio
Egypt tomb: Sarcophagi buried for 2,500 years unearthed in Saqqara
A total of 27 sarcophagi buried more than 2,500 years ago have been unearthed by archaeologists in an ancient Egyptian necropolis.
Rio Tinto CEO, execs quit over blasting of Aboriginal sites
The boss of mining giant Rio Tinto will resign following pressure from shareholders after destruction of some of Australia's oldest heritage sites by the company.
Britain's newly discovered ancient sites
Lidar technology has revealed a whole new timeline of human occupation across the UK, from prehistoric burial mounds to hidden Roman roads to medieval farmsteads.
NZ's metalhead, cat-crazy, self-publishing romance queen
She has been legally blind since birth, but that hasn't stopped paranormal romance writer Steff Green (aka Stephanie Holmes) from undertaking a self-publishing career that sees her clear a six-figure… Audio
First survey of Fiordland's Endeavour shipwreck site
For the first time, maritime archaeologists have surveyed three key sites in Fiordland including the Endeavour wreck in Dusky Sound. Audio