Battery Hens
Free As a Bird
Kelly Phelps rescues 100 to 200 battery hens every week. Before the chooks head off to lifestyle blocks, urban sections and dairy farms around the country, she prepares them for 'life on the outside'
…Free As a Bird
Kelly Phelps rescues 100 to 200 battery hens every week. Before the chooks head off to lifestyle blocks, urban sections and dairy farms around the country, she prepares them for 'life on the outside'
… AudioPalace Poultry owner says supplier sold caged as free range
The owner of Palace Poultry, Terry Fletcher, says Eco Foods owner, Robert Hehewerth, is lying, and sold him caged eggs as free range. Video, Audio
No way to be sure free range eggs are actually free range
Michael Brooks, CEO of the Egg Producers Federation, has acknowledged that despite there being a number of systems in place to try and guarantee eggs are free range, there's no way to be 100 per cent… Video, Audio
'We've been caught in an elaborate scam' - Woodland eggs
The CEO of Mainland Poultry, which owns Woodland eggs - which sources eggs from Palace Poultry - says he has been duped and yesterday was "the worst day of his business life". Video, Audio
Egg supplier denies it sold caged eggs as free-range
The owner of Eco Foods, Robert Hehewerth, has denied his company sold caged eggs as free range. He says his eggs were clearly labelled as caged. Video, Audio
Countdown pulls some eggs from shelves
A big supermarket chain has pulled Morning Harvest eggs from its shelves that come from a farm implicated in an undercover investigation, which showed hens packed into filthy, over-crowded cages and… Video, Audio
Chicken man
Jonathan Branton-Casey has found homes for over 40,000 unwanted commercial hens in the past five years and spends most of his evenings tending to them on his lifestyle property in North Canterbury. Audio
Chicken man
Jonathan Branton-Casey has found homes for over 40,000 unwanted commercial hens in the past five years and spends most of his evenings tending to them on his lifestyle property in North Canterbury.