Getting ready for our warmer future
7 Apr 2022
Stories about looking our warming world in the eye, and preparing for what is coming next. Collecting data about extreme temperatures in estuaries to help manage shellfish populations. Plus what might… Audio
Our Changing World - Estuary temperature extremes
6 Apr 2022
Claire Concannon meets with two researchers aiming to get a clear picture of how things are heating up in estuary sediments, and what this means for the shellfish that live there. Audio
A Community Cockle Count
8 May 2014
The eighth Pauatahanui Cockle Count involved more than a hundred locals digging and sieving for cockles in the intertidal. Audio
Community Cockle Survey
6 May 2014
The eight Pauatahanui Cockle Count involved more than a hundred locals digging and sieving for cockles in the intertidal. Audio
Barbecued Cockles with Parsley and Riesling
Recipe by Sean Armstrong
From Nine To Noon on Monday 27 September 2010