When informed consent evaporates on the operating table
At North Shore hospital, anaesthetised patients were examined by student doctors without giving consent. It's likely that most don't even know it happened. Audio
Why aren't we encouraging more rain water harvesting?
With water restrictions being placed on Auckland and Northland due to drought, should urban dwellers be storing rainwater for irrigation and non-potable use when the weather gets dry? Audio
US correspondent Molly Crane-Newman on the Weinstein trial
Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein faces two counts of predatory sexual assault, two counts of rape and one count of criminal sexual assault in his New York case. New York Daily News journalist Molly… Audio
Talking with teenagers about consent and healthy relationships
High School students have been canvassed to help the writers of a new theatre show which addresses consent and healthy relationships. Working with 16 to 18-year-olds from three high schools, Eleanor… Audio
BANG! Season 3 Episode 5: Kinky Boots
What you think of as kinky and what I think of as kinky might be two different things, but it generally means behaviours and fantasies outside of the sexual 'norm'. In this episode, Melody talks with… Audio
Consent Club
We talk to Ollin Perez Raymnaud, one of the organisers of The Consent Club, a volunteer-run organisation that works at improving consent culture at festivals and parties. Audio
A play about consent for teens
Consent in relationships has become a crucial topic in the #Me Too era, particularly for young people. Yes Yes Yes is a play devoted to the issue, looking at how teens navigate healthy partnerships. .
…The conversations (not) being had about sex
A shockingly contemporary musical addressing many aspects of sex including consent, rape, sexual identity, mental well being, virginity and relationships comes to Wellington. Audio
BANG! Episode 2: Sex and Sensibility
In episode two, we explore how teens deal with sex ed, relationships and the influence of pornography. Plus famous Kiwis travel back in time to deliver sex advice to their teen selves. Audio
Students posted images of female teachers on Instagram
Inappropriate images of female teachers from a Wellington school were posted on Instagram by schoolboys accused of sexually harassing them.
Wellington school girls threatened over rape culture protest plans
A protest against rape culture, sparked by Wellington College boys posting comments online about having sex with unconscious girls, will change venue after threats of violence.
Rape comments happen 'every single day' - student
Two Wellington College boys' social media posts about raping drunk, unconscious girls are being described as disturbingly commonplace.
Al Vernacchio: changing the way we talk to teens about sex
Al Vernacchio is a US based Sexuality educator, consultant and author. He says many of us are getting it very wrong in the way we talk to teens about sex. First, he says, is the problem with the… Audio
Tea analogy for sexual consent
Thames Valley Police in the Uk has made a video using the analogy of offering a cup of tea to gaining consent for sex. Audio
How to talk to your kids about sex and what they should know
Sex education is getting its first overhaul in over a decade with schools getting new guidelines on what to teach on the facts of life. The Ministry of Education is putting a new focus on issues like… Audio
Sex Education: teaching kids about coercion and consent
The Ministry of Education has updated the guidelines for schools following the recomendations of a health select committee - which found that "fragmented and uneven programmes" were partly to blame… Audio
Education Ministry discusses consent education
Dr. Graham Stoop is the Education Ministry's Head of Student Achievement. The Ministry of Education is about to update sex education guidelines to include addressing issues of consent, coercion and… Audio