Dental Health
Filling the big hole in Wairoa's dental service
Wairoa hasn't had a dentist for two years, and a recent volunteer clinic showed the gap is causing pain, but what's behind it and can it be filled?
Ayesha Verrall knocks them off
When MPs begin their careers most outline hopeful future achievements. Some very hopeful. Few get to start polishing them off inside a year. Video, Audio
Ayesha Verrall knocks them off
When MPs begin their careers most outline hopeful future achievements. Some very hopeful. Few get to start polishing them off inside a year.
Video, AudioOver half of NZers can't afford dental check-ups
Academics from the University of Otago's dentistry school have been considering whether the state needs to put more funding towards dental care. Associate Professor Jonathan Broadbent speaks to… Audio
Looking after your oral health with Grace Maguire
Dental hygienist Grace Maguire joins Jesse to talk about what causes tooth decay, how to prevent it, and the accessibility of dental care in Aotearoa. Audio
Thousands of children starting school with rotten teeth
A new study shows two in five children living in Auckland and Northland have teeth cavities by the time they start school.
Dental health declining because of cost
A visit to the dentist for a checkup, xray, filling and clean could cost you $645. A root canal, excluding restoration, could hit you in the pocket to the tune of $1155. The cost of dental care is… Audio
Oral health services 'failing children'
The Dental Association says nearly 100, 000 children are overdue for a recall with the school dental service and the system is failing children.It says each day around 120 children have their teeth… Audio
Why no mandatory dental treatment in aged care?
The Dental Association is calling for basic dental care to become mandatory at aged care facilities to stop what's being described as a 'quiet elder crisis' from developing. Currently dental care is… Audio
Nanotechnology can save your teeth: Carla Meledandri
Dr Carla Meledandri was awarded $200,000 in the Prime Minister's science prizes this week and became the MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist. One of her projects is looking at nanoparticles to combat tooth… Audio
Patients swamp dental surgery for free checks-ups
Forty people turned up to the Milford Family Dentist on Auckland's North Shore to take up an offer of free dental care for adults on low incomes. Audio
Out of the pram and into the chair
Auckland health authorities want to get all babies into the dental chair before they even have a full set of teeth.
Te Manu Korihi News for 13 October 2015
A Maori dental surgeon says evidence that less than 20 percent of elderly Maori visit a dentist is a wake-up call to oral health services to meet the needs of kaumatua. Audio
Teeth Talk
Did you know that humans form two sets of teeth over the course of their lives? Professor of Dental Epidemiology and Public Health, Murray Thomson from the University of Otago is armed to the teeth… Audio