Half a million disabled people not supported - new survey
Half a million disabled New Zealanders aren't getting what they need to live a good life. The findings come from the first comprehensive set of disability statistics collected in more than a decade. Audio
Ministry apologises as 10,000 sign petition over disability funding changes
The Disability Issues Minister has been forced to clarify changes to funding rules that were introduced without notice on Monday and have caused widespread concern within the sector. Audio
What's at stake for disabled people in Election 2023
Few parties have policies on disability issues this election. How can disabled people ensure their voices are heard? Audio
Australia: What Liberal loss means for Dutton, Paralympic
Australia correspondent Chris Niesche joins Kathryn to discuss the Liberal Party's byelection loss in Melbourne and how it's put the leadership of Peter Dutton in the spotlight. New South Wales bans… Audio
Disabled community at risk from Omicron
The Disability Rights Commissioner has grave concerns about people's attitudes towards the omicron variant of COVID-19. Audio
Dunedin installs first Changing Places bathroom
The Dunedin City Council is marking International Day of Persons with Disabilities this Friday with the South Island's first Changing Places bathroom. Founder and disability advocate, Jenn Hooper… Audio
Long-awaited Ministry for disabled sector
A long awaited overhaul of disability services has been unveiled today by Minster Carmel Sepuloni. The reforms create a ministry for the disabled, new stand-alone legislation which is intended to make… Audio
People with disabilities recognised with new govt ministry
After decades of tirelessly campaigning, people with disabilities are being recognised with their own ministry.
The government has moved to establish a new agency, and a separate Accessibility… Audio
Covid-19 testing not accessible for disabled community
There are calls for accessible covid testing for the disabled community - with many struggling to get swabbed.
One woman says she was forced to dehydrate herself so she could spend hours in line for… Audio
A life of roadblocks for the disabled
Unsuitable housing, carless city centres, cars parked on the footpath are issues that draw complaints from able bodied people - but if you're disabled they can have a dramatic impact on your life. Audio
Yoko Ono calls on visitors to mend, in Whangārei exhibition
The artwork of a top international artist - and well-known musical muse - is set to be unveiled in Whangarei this week, and it's all about fixing things. Yoko Ono, the renowned artist, peace activist… Video, Audio
Employment Court ruling may mean compensation for mother caring for son with disability
A mother looking after her severely disabled son 24/7 could be in line for significant compensation and lost wages after a court ruled she is an employee and her boss is the Ministry of Health.
… Video, Audio
Parents say Trust for the disabled was deliberately run down
Parents whose children were cared for at a purpose-built disability centre in Auckland say there appears to have been a deliberate attempt to run down the site.
Imminent closure of trust giving support dashes hopes
In 1966, a solution began to help the disabled living in geriatric facilities simply because there wasn't anywhere else to go.
Think about How You Shop
Disability Commissioner Paula Tesoriero is asking us to think about how we shop. Audio
Charlotte Nightingale - exploring the "spectrum"
Disability advocate, Touch Compass Dance Company's Charlotte Nightingale has written a play about a teenager who's not only on the autism spectrum but also has ADHD. She talks about The Incredible… Audio
Pedro Amigo
What is it like being a male escort for guys with disabilities We talk to Pedro Amigo, Melbourne's premier disability-specialist sex worker. Audio
Calls for e-scooter speed limits to be in place everywhere
Disability lobby groups are pushing for a speed limit for electric scooters on footpaths. Blind and Low Vision New Zealand spokesman Chris Orr joins the discussion to talk about how dangerous they… Audio
MSD deputy CEO to apologise to seriously ill beneficiary
The Ministry did not regard his situation as an emergency and demanded he pay back 10,000 for emergency motel accommodation. Video, Audio
Basin's lack of facilities for women, disabled "unacceptable"
Wellington City Councillor Fleur Fitzsimons says it’s unacceptable the Basin Reserve does not cater sufficiently for women and those with disabilities, but says the council is addressing the… Audio