Economic Growth
Solving the World's Problems
Today NZ Herald writer Simon Wilson discusses the secret to economic growth. He says there's a strong argument for the idea that the solution is to end poverty. Audio
New Zealand says Xin Chao to trade with Vietnam
What do closer trade ties with Vietnam mean for New Zealand? Audio
New Zealand says Xin Chao to trade with Vietnam
What do closer trade ties with Vietnam mean for New Zealand?
AudioWhy one kind of happiness is better than another, for ourselves, our economy, and our environment
The history and current trends in economics, and Bhutan's alternative to GNP, is discussed by Dr Ross McDonald from the University of Auckland during the 2019 Raising the Bar night. Audio
What is "inclusive" economic growth?
Economic Development New Zealand is holding its annual conference in Blenheim this week. The theme is "delivering inclusive growth" - but what does inclusive growth look like? Audio
Is growth bad?
British economist Kate Raworth is garnering a big following worldwide with her message that growth isn’t always good - rather the opposite. But halting GDP and business growth is heresy for most… Audio
NZ GDP slows dramatically in lastest quarter
The economy grew at its slowest rate in nearly five years as weaker construction activity and food manufacturing dampened modest gains in other areas.
Economic growth was at its slowest rate in last quarter
Economic growth was at its slowest rate in nearly five years in the last quarter, with GDP rising 0.3 pct. Audio
Tim Hazledine - NZ's optimum population 2 million
Tim Hazledine, professor of economics at the University of Auckland, told Jesse Mulligan New Zealand is over-populated. Audio
Truckometer slows in May
The latest traffic report has indicated tougher times ahead for the economy. Audio
China slowdown not unexpected
Seven percent economic growth would be the envy of most countries. But for China, it's actually a slowdown. Audio
Treasury picks slight GDP hit from drought
The Treasury is picking the drought conditions will knock economic growth slightly this year. Audio
ANZ's Truckometer suggests a solid but moderating growth path
An analysis of traffic flows suggests economic growth remains solid but is moderating. Audio
IMF warns global growth may never return to pre crisis levels
The International Monetary Fund is warning the pace of world economic growth may never return to the levels experienced before the global financial crisis. Audio
Investors await the quarterly survey of business opinion
Investors will be watching the quarterly survey of business opinion due on Tuesday for clues as to how much the pace of economic growth will slow. Audio
Insight, Sunday 4 October: Auckland's Economic Development
Todd Niall explores whether moving to a Supercity might finally unleash Auckland's economic potential. Audio