Trump's sexual harassment accusers urge Congress investigation
Donald Trump has denied accusations that he sexually harassed multiple women before becoming US President. Three of the women who've previously spoken out against Mr Trump reiterated their claims… Audio
Dateline Pacific morning edition for 21 November 2017
The chair of the Commonwealth observer group says Tonga's elections were well organised; a new report says Norfolk Island's economy is in a state of crisis; two climate-related initiatives pushed by… Audio
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 13 November 2017
Papua New Guinea's immigration minister says he will not deal directly with New Zealand to resettle up to 150 refugees on Manus Island; this week Tonga will go to the polls to decide the makeup of its… Audio
Tongan media feud raises questions over election coverage
Two weeks out from Tonga's elections and there is a worry that public access to information and discussion is at a premium. Audio
Kenya postpones some voting amid violence
Kenya's presidential election re-run has been marred by isolated clashes and a boycott by the main opposition. A teenage boy was shot by police and later died in the opposition stronghold of Kisumu… Audio
High hopes for Tongan women as candidates stand
The head of the Tonga National Centre for Women and Children says she is happy and proud to see so many women running for parliament in Tonga's upcoming general election. Audio
German chancellor Angela Merkel wins fourth term
German chancellor Angela Merkel has won a fourth term as leader in the country's latest election. Correspondent Ira Spitzer joins us with the details. Audio
Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern on Nine to Noon
Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern makes her case for Saturday's election in an extended interview with Kathryn Ryan. Video, Audio
Election 2017: Fuel crisis unwanted in final days of campaign
New Zealanders are flocking to the polling booths early, with more than half a million casting advance votes by the end of Monday. Activities to mark Suffrage Day on Tuesday may see the total of votes… Audio
Rangatahi Maori lead the way on voting enrolment
Rangatahi Maori are more likely than any other age group to be registered on the Maori roll. Almost 34,000 18 to 24-year-olds are enrolled to vote, followed by over 27,000 25 to 29-year-olds. Audio
Farmers protest in Ardern's hometown
About 500 people attended a farmers' protest in Morrinsville - Labour leader Jacinda Ardern's hometown.
Greens push first-term capital gains tax, Labour says no
The Labour Party will not negotiate with the Greens over bringing in a capital gains tax in a potential first term of government. This is despite Greens leader James Shaw saying the tax would be a… Audio
Election 2017 Leader Interview: James Shaw
Green Party leader James Shaw has had a tumultuous election campaign, with the resignations of co-leader Metiria Turei, David Clendon and Kennedy Graham.
Jacinda Ardern's takeover of Labour… Audio
RNZ's political editor analyses latest polls
With just one week of campaigning left the RNZ's latest Poll of Polls shows the two major parties in a virtual dead heat. Audio
How to talk politics in Te Reo Māori
We're in the midst of the election campaign, and it's Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, so how do we kōrero politics in te reo? RNZ Māori issues correspondent Mihingarangi Forbes joins Guyon Espiner for a… Video, Audio
Holidays Act no longer fit for purpose - businesses
Businesses are calling for the Holidays Act to be rewritten, saying it's too complicated and costs them time and money. Audio
Bill English defends National's HomeStart boost plan
National is pledging to double the HomeStart grant to $20,000. Leader Bill English joins us to discuss the policy. Audio
National's first home-buyer boost only 'a good start'
The National Party is pledging to increase financial assistance to people buying their first house. It says it will double the HomeStart grant to $20,000. But mortgage broker Bruce Patten of Loan… Audio
National offers first home-buyers extra leg-up
The National Party has announced it would double the grants it gives to first home buyers who meet the homestart criteria, if it is re-elected to power. Leader Bill English says a couple on the… Audio
Early voting kicks off around New Zealand
The Electoral Commission is insisting people are not being shortchanged by giving them less time to cast an early vote. Early voting begins today - a few days later than previous elections, but there… Audio