Ardern clarifies land under family home exempt from tax
Labour has saved itself from an own goal by finally ruling out a tax on the land under the family home. The party's leadership has already been under pressure to provide more detail about what a… Audio
A day on the road with Jacinda Ardern
RNZ Deputy Political Editor, Chris Bramwell, pulls back the curtain on what a day on the road with Jacinda Ardern is really like. Video, Audio
Labour's tourist levy: For and against
Labour is proposing a $25 levy on all tourists entering New Zealand, to be spent on improving tourism infrastructure and the environment. Local Government New Zealand president Dave Cull and Tourism… Audio
Tourist levy 'significantly lower' than Aus, UK - Jacinda Ardern
Labour's plan for a $25 levy on overseas tourists arriving here has drawn criticism from the tourism industry, but Labour leader Jacinda Ardern says it exists in other countries, and is significantly… Audio
National slams Labour's tourist tax plan
Labour has said its $25 border levy will raise $75 million a year to be spent on tourism and conservation, but National says the plan risks putting off tourists Audio
Go Ahead Caller - Ser 7, Ep 3 by Paul Casserly & Ben Uffindell
Helen Clark has some advice for Jacinda, and Gareth explodes. Audio
Local bus services come at cost of drivers' wages - union
An election meeting in Wellington has heard complaints transport efficiency is being achieved at the cost of workers wages. Audio
No easy answers for poverty in Northland
About 80 people turned out in Whangarei last night to hear what Northland election candidates had to say about poverty - and how they'd go about fixing it. Audio
Money talks: Can govt afford to spend?
The larger than expected surplus for this financial year of $2.1 billion could be a one-off with surpluses for the following years being more muted. Economists Ganesh Nana from Berl and Cameron Bagrie… Audio
National's Chris Bishop eyes up Hutt South
The National MP, Chris Bishop, believes the marginal seat of Hutt South is his for the picking with a relative newcomer, Ginny Anderson, replacing Labour's Trevor Mallard as a candidate. Audio
'Voting for a park I'm probably never going to play in'
RNZ reporter Laura Tupou spoke to a group of Mangere College students who are voting for the first time this year. Housing and jobs are what they worry about the most. Audio
Big surplus bump in 2017, but slower growth expected
The pre-election fiscal update revealed a massive one-off boost this year, but it's expected to tail off in coming years, with surpluses lower than initially forecast from 2019 onward. Audio
Greens enter Ōhāriu contest following Dunne departure
The Greens have had a change of heart about standing a candidate in the Ōhāriu electorate. Peter Dunne's unexpected decision to step down prompted the Greens to rejoin the race, selecting Johnsonville… Audio
National, Labour outline tax plans after opening of books
There's an extra $2 billion to play with in the Crown accounts, so Labour is ruling out the need for higher taxes, but National is warning there's little room for big spending. Audio
Politicans attend 'nerdiest housewarming party ever'
While some people desperately try to avoid talking politics in social settings, an Auckland couple have taken another approach. Audio
Labour leader under pressure over tax plans
Labour leader Jacinda Ardern says the party retains the right to introduce a capital gains tax in its first term, and will not rule out such a tax applying to farms or businesses. Video, Audio
United Future deputy unaware Dunne would quit
Is there a future for United Future without Peter Dunne? The party's deputy leader Judy Turner tells us they're not giving up hope. Audio
National's job of winning seats just got harder
Peter Dunne's shock resignation means National's loses a crucial 'plus one'. National's campaign manager, Steven Joyce, is in the Wellington studio. Audio
Nights' Pundit - History
Peter Clayworth will be talking Wartime election controversies. Harry Holland, the militant socialist editor of the Maoriland Worker newspaper, stood as the Labour Party candidate. He advocated… Audio
Te Reo Māori: the Te Wero debate
Four Māori candidates from different political parties discuss the health of te reo Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand and set out what their parties will do for the language's well-being. Audio