Why women's health issues are way down the list
4 Sep 2019
Tens of thousands of girls and women have to put up with chronic pain for years - because their issues are played down or deemed non-urgent. Audio
Why women's health issues are way down the list
4 Sep 2019
Tens of thousands of girls and women have to put up with chronic pain for years - because their issues are played down or deemed non-urgent.
AudioRoger Lentle: mapping bladder walls
16 May 2015
Professor of Digestive Biomechanics at the College of Health, Massey University, Associate Investigator <> at the Riddet Institute, and… Audio
Lynsey Hayward, Mark Davey, Frantisek Riha-Scott: incontinence
4 Apr 2015
Auckland gynecologist Lynsey Hayward is incoming President of the International Urogynecological Association. Dr Mark Davey and Frantisek Riha-Scott met as alpine ski racers, pursued respective… Audio