Cannabis: Lessons from the US
As more and more American states legalise cannabis, US-based journalist Susan Baldacci joins Jim to discuss whether it's proving to be as safe and non-addictive as some experts contended. Audio
US: Tough crime talk, dope pardons, CHIPS money
US correspondent Danielle Kurtzleben joins Kathryn to talk about Republicans' focus on rising crime levels - as a way to counter Democrats' strengths on the issue of abortion. President Biden… Audio
Is dishonesty really contagious?
A recent study in Scientific American suggested that people tend to lie when they're in groups, especially when profit is concerned. Professor of Psychology Marc Wilson is with us to discuss whether… Audio
NZ's largest medicinal cannabis grower wins govt funding boost
The government's given a cash injection to the country's largest medicinal cannabis grower - saying it could become as successful as the wine industry.
Puro is a specialist cannabis grower near… Video, Audio
New Zealanders' support for legalising cannabis is increasing
The latest Research NZ poll set out to gauge how Kiwis plan to vote in the upcoming Cannabis referendum. The results showed that almost half of those polled (46%) now say they will vote in favour of… Audio
New Zealanders in favour of euthanasia legislation
The latest survey from Research NZ shows that Kiwis continue to be heavily in favour of euthanasia legislation, while the cannabis question remains finely balanced. Emanuel Kalafatelis joins the show… Audio
Protests will push US officials into action - law enforcement veteran
Diane Goldstein is a 21-year veteran of the Redondo Beach Police Department. She says the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd highlight the structural racism that is rife in both the US… Audio
A travel writer's guide to the roads less travelled
Travel writer Mary Jane Walker says people should always travel to the places they tell you not to. She is the author of the 'Maverick Traveller' series of books. Audio
3MM: Colin Hogg offers an opinion on opinions
Short, succinct opinions from New Zealander on subjects of their choice. Here's writer Colin Hogg Audio
Three Minutes Max: Tommy Kapai Wilson
Succinct opinion from New Zealanders about life in Aotearoa. This morning we start with Tommy Wilson, from the Te Tuinga Whanau Trust on the 'reeferemdum' and why people feel the need to get high in… Audio
Emmanuel Kalafatelis: Kiwis still on the fence over personal use cannabis debate
A Research New Zealand poll suggests there is not as much support for legalising marijuana in New Zealand. Emmanuel Kalafatelis talks about the survey results. Audio
Legalising cannabis: A grower’s perspective
As the government announces its plans for a cannabis referendum, a self-described "cannabis master" who grows and sells marijuana, provides insight into the illegal business he's running, and what a… Video, Audio
Three Minutes Max: Jules Older
Three Minutes Max, short & sharp opinions from commentators around New Zealand. Here's Jules Older with his thoughts on the referendum on legalising cannabis and how it's worked in the U.S for his own… Audio
Are the negative health impacts of cannabis being drowned out?
Alex Berenson says the science that points to long-term issues related to pot use is getting drowned out by the push to legalize use around the world. Audio
Academic says new cannabis study should be treated with caution
Professor Max Abbott, the dean of the Faculy of Health and Environmental Science at AUT, says the findings of the Australian study which found 14 year olds who used cannabis once or twice had grey… Audio
US territory in Pacific gives weed full legal status
As New Zealand and many western countries look to liberalise laws around the use of marijuana, a US territory in the eastern Pacific has given it full legal status. Lawmakers in the Northern Marianas… Audio
Regulating cannabis could generate $240m in tax - report
Decriminalising cannabis and introducing a regulated market would bring significant economic benefits, according to a new report commissioned by the Drug Foundation.
Lessons from Denver
John Bishop spent some time in Denver, Colorado earlier this year looking at the operation of their marijuana law. Audio
Legalising marijuana: continued
Listeners react to our discussion yesterday about the news the vote to legalise marijuana could be held next year. Some dispute Professor David Fergusson's opinion that cannabis is easy to obtain. Audio
Vote on legalising cannabis on cards for 2019
New Zealanders may get to vote on legalising marijuana next year. The government is currently debating whether to hold the referendum next year because it's not sure holding it at the 2020 general… Audio