Uneven maternity care across Aotearoa
Despite a model based on choice, New Zealanders options for birth are limited based on post code. Audio
Linda Bryder: the best country to give birth?
In The Best Country to Give Birth? medical historian Linda Bryder explores how New Zealand came to develop its unique approach to the role of midwives in childbirth. The 1990 Nurses Amendment Act… Audio
Ex-midwife in high spirits after setting up farm distillery
A sheep and beef farm on the foothills of the Seaward Kaikoura Range is home to a boutique distillery. Justine Schroder converted a shed into the Mt Fyffe Distillery three years ago and she's never… Audio
A serious shortage of Māori and Pasifika midwives
A Māori midwife says National midwifery services have been falling short of meeting the needs of Māori and Pasifika women whose pregnancies are overepresented in still birth and neonatal death. The… Audio
New govt initiative targets lack of Maori and Pasifika midwives
New government initiative to increase and support Maori and Pasifika midwifery students in New Zealand. Audio
New govt initiative targets Māori, Pasifika midwives
The government is hoping to boost the number of Māori and Pasifika midwives in Aotearoa.
At the moment, less than 10 percent of midwives identify as Māori and less than three percent as Pasifika.
A… Audio
Midwives to hold make or break meeting with Minister
The College of Midwives will not ruling out legal action if it does not receive support from the Minister of Health for its pay equity claims and support for changes to how the profession is funded… Audio
New figures highlight midwife shortages
Figures released to Nine to Noon under the Official Information Act show that there are at least 72 vacant positions for midwives in hospital maternity wards around the country - more than 30 of them… Audio
More midwives investigated for mistakes than others in health
More midwives are currently being investigated for serious mistakes than any other medical profession. Catherine Hutton reports. Audio
Andrew Cameron: taking nursing to the extreme
NZ-born humanitarian aid nurse and midwife Andrew Cameron has worked in some of the world's most dangerous locations, but spends most of his time serving the remote Queensland community of Birdsville.
…Sally Pairman on the worldstage on midwifery
Sally Pairman has been working in and around the midwifery sector for over 30 years as a midwife, lecturer, author and advocate and now she's been chosen from a list of international cadidates to head… Audio
Midwife told to apologise over stillbirth
A community-based midwife failed to refer a woman with clear risk factors to a specialist, a report has found.
Calls for funding model to change for better maternity care
The Medical Association's GP council, Kate Baddock, says the maternity funding model is preventing doctors and midwives collaborating better. Audio
Parents share views on midwifery care in NZ
Parents in Nelson share their thoughts about midwifery care in New Zealand and whether they would still choose it. Audio
New Zealand midwives accused of racism
Allegations of racism and discrimination among New Zealand's midwives and staff in maternity care are raising concerns about cultural sensitivity in the workforce. Audio
Midwives want fewer people at births
Midwives at Waikato Hospital say some family members attending births abuse them, steal property and cause general havoc while their loved ones are in labour.
DHBs encourage more home births
Auckland health authorities are working on a plan to encourage more home births, but a leading obstetrician is worried it's just a ploy to make more hospital beds available.
No Heartbeat - Clothing the Lost
Not every family that leaves a neonatal unit does so with joy. After losing seven babies one woman decided to help grieving families through their loss. Audio
Rural Midwives
Midwives in New Zealand are now being trained in rural satellites. The new model of learning is improving access to medical care and helping with the stability of the midwifery workforce. Audio
The Secret Life of Birth Music
In the Secret Life Of Birth Music, Yadana Saw meets the mums and midwifes, doctors and dads who push play on the soundtrack that greets the newly arrived. Audio