Pest Control
Controlling Bay of Plenty's Wallabies
Standing at the wallaby-proof fence in Rotorua biosecurity expert Dale Williams gives an update on efforts to control the pest. Audio
Our Changing World – A tricky trap for redback spiders
Invasive redback spiders are highly venomous, threatening both people and New Zealand’s native species. A team of scientists is developing a cunning tool to trap male redbacks, by concocting an… Audio
Our Changing World – Redback spider trap
Australian redback spiders found their way to New Zealand in the 1980s.
These dangerously venomous spiders are now found in Central Otago and New Plymouth, where they pose a risk to both people and… Audio
AI cameras in pest traps recognise predators and birds
A pilot using artificial technology to differentiate predators from native birds could be a game-changer for pest control. Audio
Drones for pest control
Aotearoa is a country plagued by pests, but conservationists are hoping advances in drone technology could turn the tables. Producer William Ray looks at how drones are being trialled in controlling… Video, Audio
Spring has sprung and sowing has begun
The cash crops are going in and the last of the trading lambs are heading off at Tim Cookson's farm near Hororata in Canterbury. Audio
The Week in Detail: From craft beer to Barbie
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Budget cuts see hard-won gains down the drain
Conservation projects across the country risk losing progress as money gets tighter and budgets are slashed. Audio
Gin distillery fizzes with plans for home-grown juniper
Kapiti distillers harvest kawakawa from their historic Wairarapa farm to make award-winning gin. They're also trialling growing juniper berries and planting more natives. Novel pest traps, a bottle… Audio
Hunting for Tai Rāwhiti - "I don't see deer, I see a food bag"
A team of hunters heads out every five weeks to a hill country farm to harvest deer meat for Tai Rawhiti's food banks which have been under pressure after devastating weather hit the region this year… Video, Audio
The mahi bringing birdsong back to Aotea's forests
It's no easy task trying to rid Aotea Great Barrier Island of feral cats, rats and other pests. Audio
Billy Barton - 'They call me the Ferret Man'
Billy Barton used to compete with ferrets as a past-time in his native Wales. Now he trains them and a pack of white shepherd dogs to hunt out rabbits and feral cats in NZ's war against pests. Audio
Summer science: Two stories about genetics
Two stories about genetics produced by students at the University of Otago's Department of Science Communication. Amanda Konyn investigates whether gene editing has a role in future pest control… Audio
Is there a future for gene editing in pest control?
Amanda Konyn, a student at the University of Otago's Department of Science Communication, investigates whether gene editing has a role in future pest control. Audio
Season 2 Ep 1: Rabbits & other Pests
No-one knows for sure who first introduced rabbits to New Zealand, because no-one wanted to take the blame for what became one of New Zealand's biggest environmental and economic disasters. We start… Video, Audio
Sniffing dog stops wallabies skipping south
A cute detection dog called Toby is helping an Otago pest control team track down wily wallabies crossing the Waitaki River. The Aussie imports are escaping South Canterbury's Wallaby Containment… Audio
Sheep farmer struggles to control huge hungry hoppers
Best of 2022 - Back in the 1950s, a group of wallabies turned up at Wainui Station... and never left. Audio
Lower North Island residents asked to watch out for wallabies
The Greater Wellington Regional Council is asking the public keep an eye out for the marsupials in Upper Hutt and Featherston.
The story of NZ's rabbit plague
Farmers, growers and regional authorities in the South Island are reporting large numbers of rabbits this year. Responsiblity for pest control falls to property owners under bylaws, and if a regional… Audio
Conservation park declares war on rabbits
A conservation park near Masterton is about to level up its battle against a soaring population of rabbits, after a funding boost from Government.