'See, feel, touch': How a riverside farm connects with community
A South Wairarapa riverside farm is turning into a rich classroom, offering lessons in science and the environment, maths, language, and legends of the land. Audio
Dairy farmer bridges cultural gap beside braided awa
With the help of a cultural land advisor, North Canterbury farmer John Faulkner is creating a diverse mahinga kai - Māori food gathering site - on his riverside property. Audio
Wild cats and fierce photography - Sebastian Kennerknecht
Sebastian Kennerknecht is a wildlife photographer and conservationist. He takes award-winning photographs of wild cats in their natural habitat and has twenty different species on his camera roll. Audio
Fences fixed first as farmers count cost of flooding
Farmers in mid-Canterbury are still trying to get their heads around the scale of damage caused by massive flooding in June. It's been an extremely challenging situation for neighbours Anne-Marie… Audio
Weather update -- Erin Cassie at Erewhon Station
Now we're heading to the normally-picturesque Erewhon Station, a high country property nestled right amongst the Southern Alps, to see what's happening there. Leaser holder Erin Cassie is with us for… Audio
The real risks and health benefits of cold-water swimming
Cold-water swimmers have long been known for espousing the benefits of cold-water dips. But is it all good? New Scientist writer and ex-Antarctic biologist Alison George has investigated whether… Audio
How living near water could save your life
A new studyhas conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of all the evidence about how blue space positively impacts health, and the news is good for people who live in areas with access to… Audio
Our Changing World for 3 December 2020
How river water reaches out to sea and an epidemiologist talks about work into the causes of cancer. Audio
Why do people freak out when they get lost?
Professor Kenneth Hill -- a psychologist who has dedicated his career to studying how lost people behave -- discusses his decades-long research into why people lost in forest and wildlands react the… Audio
Mataura now a "ghost town" - reporter
RNZ reporter Tim Brown talks to Kathryn from the outskirts of Mataura, where emergency services have now evacuated, leaving no one behind. Audio
Mataura river levels threaten more Southland towns
Residents in the Southland towm of Wyndham are the lastest to be told to evacuate thier homes as river water threatens to breach banks. They've been told to go east, not west. Three days of heavy rain… Audio
Farming with the future in mind
A fourth-generation Canterbury dairy farmer is embracing regenerative agriculture. John says soil health on his Leeston property has improved dramatically since he stopped using synthetic fertilisers… Audio
When the chips are down
Groundwater scientists are using John Saywell's Canterbury farm to measure how well buried trenches filled with woodchips and bacteria break down nitrates in drainage water. Audio, Gallery
The reopening of the Waiho Bridge near Franz Josef delayed.
The reopening of the Waiho Bridge near Franz Josef has been delayed. Jim Little, the Tourism West Coast Chief executive, joins us live. Video, Audio
Whanganui iwi healed through Tira Hoe Waka
Whanganui iwi members say a two-week trip down their beloved river helps them to heal, reconnect and put politics aside. Up to 120 people have paddled the length of the Whanganui River in the annual… Audio
The ex-university lecturers offering free environmental education
Errol Wood and Kelvin Nicolle believe that the best way for today's teenagers to learn about the environment is to be in the environment. They run environmental outreach programme for school and… Audio, Gallery
Southern Man
It’s a baptism of fire for new Southland Fed Farmers Chairman Geoffrey Young with the M. bovis outbreak, a swede seed mix up and debate over Environment Southland's revised water and land plan. Audio
Book review - Flow: Whanganui River Poems
Harry Ricketts reviews: "Flow: Whanganui River Poems" by Airini Beautrais Audio
Looking After the Land
Sheep farming and environmental responsibility go hand in hand on 80-year-old Malcolm Mackenzie's 193 hectare farm near Winton in Southland. Over time he has planted shelter belts of native species… Audio
Forage to Feast (Part 2)
Sixty food and wine lovers spend a morning picking, foraging, digging, fishing and even shooting a host of foods in the Waipara Valley. In the afternoon eight top chefs convert the fresh bounty into… Audio, Gallery