Children head back to school with new rules under Omicron
The 5-11 year age group has been able to get the Covid-19 vaccine for two and a half weeks - but so far only 37 percent have.
Despite that, schools are back and measures have been put in place to… Video, Audio
Principals predict Omicron will close some schools
It's back to class for hundreds of thousand of students today and principals worry Omicron will force some schools to close, meanwhile paediatricians want children to remain in class as long as… Audio
Schools prepare for new year in red restrictions
The sudden change to the red light has schools spending the last week of the holidays preparing to open under new restrictions.
At red, masks are required for students in years 4 and up, and also all… Video, Audio
Top of the class: How Leanne Otene goes the extra mile for her tamariki
It's been a tough year for many, but particularly for those working within the education sector. A survey out just last week from the Education Review Office found the pandemic had left teachers… Audio
Prof. Richard Wiseman: Why magic should be taught in schools
Magic, luck, schools, Twitter, creativity, social skills, illusions, magician, David Copperfield, Houdini, chance, casino, gambling, addiction, lottery, anxiety, Internet, social media, Professor… Audio
Students call for more help
Some students outside Auckland say they need more help to recover from the impact of Covid on their learning. NCEA exams have been delayed two weeks, and students who have missed 20 days of school or… Audio
Covid-19 lockdown: Students need certainty over NCEA
Secondary school students facing high stakes assessments will be in lockdown until at least Friday night, and until the end of the month for Aucklanders.
The Ministry of Education says schools… Video, Audio
Three Auckland schools respond to Covid-19 Delta cases
Three Auckland secondary schools now have Covid cases to deal with. Along with Avondale College, staff and students at Northcote and Lynfield Colleges have now been told to isolate and get tested.
… Video, Audio
Pasifika, Māori women taking up tools to join trades industry
The trades industry is getting a shake up thanks to a new project working to get more Pasifika and Māori women to pick up the tools.
Last year just one in 40 new trades apprentices were women, now… Video, Audio
Hipkins defends Ministry's handling of mould problem at Hutt Valley school
The Education Minister has defended his ministry's handling of serious problems that forced Hutt Valley High School to close an entire block of classrooms.
Hundreds of senior students will have to… Audio
Officially uniting Dance and Social Inclusion
Millions of people have been posting videos of themselves dancing on the social media site Tik Tok during the pandemic lockdowns. And that proves an important point about dance, in the view of the two… Audio
Covid-19 update with professor Michael Baker
Six new Covid-19 cases in the community as of yesterday, four linked to the existing Auckland cluster and the origin of the other two cases is being looked into. Professor Michael Baker is back for… Audio
Welcome to the elite world of investment migration
The mega-rich are using their wealth to cross borders that would normally be closed or become involved in residence-by-investment, with the end result being a "golden visa". And New Zealand is an… Audio
Covid-19 update with professor Michael Baker
People are grappling with the second round of lockdown, what it entails, and the prospect of day-to-day mask wearing. Professor Michael Baker joins the show to discuss what the coming weeks and months… Audio
Class action - Schools consider legal move after travel company folds
The collapse of a travel company specialising in school trips has left a number of New Zealand schools considering their legal options to try to recoup the money lost to students and their parents. Audio
What makes us love our neighbourhood?
A study out of Michigan State University set out to quantify what makes people happy with their neighbourhoods, and concluded that it has almost nothing to do with the neighbourhood itself. Study… Audio
How Covid-19 could change public toilets forever
With experts estimating that a 'toilet plume' can travel six feet in every direction, and considering many public toilets aren't even equipped with lids, commercial bathrooms could be forever changed… Audio
Johan Giesecke: Why lockdowns are the wrong approach
Professor Johan Giesecke is one of the world's most senior epidemiologists. He believes lockdowns like the one we've just had in New Zealand are just a way of delaying the inevitable. Professor… Audio
Schools eye a return to class
Education leaders say the mood among teachers has shifted considerably in the last week, towards a desire to return to class. Depending on what the government announces later, schools could be back as… Audio